MCAs bribery claims look real as Bungoma Governor moves to Court

Bungoma County Assembly / PHOTO; Oti Oteba

In Summary;

  • Kisumu meeting
  • Court application
  • Various anti-impeachment schemes
  • Impeachment status
  • Another Summon loading…

Following clear intention by the County Assembly to have Wangamati forced to respect and adhere to the rule of law and its resolutions, legislators commenced collection of signatures to have the Bungoma Governor impeachment after he failed to honor a summon by the Public Administration and ICT committee. This has triggered a chain of events including; night meetings, out-of-town meetings, plans and counter plans all intended at outsmarting each other.

On Sunday, 9 May 2021 Bungoma Governor Wycliffe Wangamati met a number of MCAs in a Kisumu hotel to address the issue of impeachment

It’s alleged that Wangamati assured the MCAs that ANY vote they’d sway in his favor will earn one Kshs. 100,000 as the “defecting” MCA earns Kshs. 50,000… An MCA from Bumula Subcounty was tasked to spearhead the SAVE-WANGAMATI program. The MCA was given Kshs. 100,000 for logistics

The sitting also resolved to organize a trip out of Bungoma for the MCA for the purposes of creating a quorum hitch on the voting day

FINALLY, Wangamati assured the would-be defecting MCAs of 100% compensation of committee sitting allowances should they lose committees positions as a result of their move… in his own words “don’t worry about those peanuts you get in those sittings, nitawamina Limotole muzuri in return”

The above schemes are just but additions to what WangaFERA militia is upto:

  1. Barr MCAs from leaving their homes on the voting day
  2. Mobile unsuspecting and unemployed youthful jobseekers to disrupt the impeachment process
  3. Reaching out to the Deputy president to sweettalk his allies in the County Assembly especially those in Mt. Elgon and Sirisia
  4. Desperate moves to reach the senator has hit a brick wall

Yesterday Monday, 11 May 2021 the Bungoma County CEO was allegedly spotted in a Kisumu Employment and Labour relations Court (ELRC) accompanied by his lawyer Cyril Wayong’o and his legal team… They were trying to secure anticipatory orders to stop the impeachment but Justice Stephen Radido declared their application premature and therefore could not injunct the County Assembly from carrying out its legislative mandate as enshrined in the Constitution of Kenya 2010. They are still trying to get the orders through other means.

Today the Clerk is likely to receive the motion… Latest 2pm

Debate and Voting for the motion is expected to take place within 7 days from the day of submission of the motion but not before Governor Wangamati is given another opportunity to appear before the assembly.

#iKUWEiKUWE Corner;

We are reliably informed that:

  • That voting will most likely be via acclamation and headcount
  • THAT, in as much as they ignite the impeachment process, signatures are NOT as important as the actual VOTE in the house.
  • The County Assembly can ignore Court orders if it likes for it equivalent status with the High Court as stipulated in article 195 of the CoK 2010.


  • Those who are striking deals with Wangamati must be reminded that; Your vote is Your choice BUT which comes with consequences.
  • If and when Wangamati is summoned in a weeks time, I suggest he purposes to honor it as this would be easiest way to avoid an impeachment.


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