Webuye traders push County govt into submission over Permits/Penalty

Former Bungoma governor wycliffe Wangamati inspects an enforcement officer's parade.... NOTE the faded uniforms / FILE

The Business community around the County has in the recent past been up in arms over the treatment they have received from the enforcement team backed by administration police where one would be harassed for poor display of the business permit. There has been notable complains on social media but none was as loud and effective as the one by Webuye traders.

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On Monday, 12 April 2021 the County enforcement team arrested 18 Webuye West traders and had them locked up at Webuye police station over failure to pay for the permit and or the penalty. This happened a week after 10 webuye east traders had been arrested and detained till they paid for the permits and penalties with some selling properties to satisfy the govt. Speaking to #iKUWEiKUWE that very Monday a disgruntled business lady indicated that by sending enforcement officers to harass them, the county govt. was behaving as if it was unaware that business has gone down drastically due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


Upon realizing that a good number of their colleagues were inhumanly bundled into vehicles like sacks of cabbages, the traders called on their leaders to act and act swiftly and decisively. They later marched to the police station but were informed that the county had given the police instructions not to release anyone who has not cleared arrears, prompting them to seek the attention of the media… It’s at this point that the executive woke up from slumber and realized that things would quickly turn political and irreversible.

FASTFORWARD: Leaders were called to a meeting where they demanded that their colleagues be released unconditionally and the penalty (50% of permit fee) be waived.

Today Saturday, 24 April 2021 sensing that the leaders intended to address the press this afternoon, the CEC Finance has been forced to release a letter informing of a one month waiver just in time to avert the press statement by traders.

#iKUWEiKUWE Corner;

  • CEC Esther, … Well done but I believe a total waiver of the penalty for the entire financial year would have been idea
  • CEC Public administration should consider buying these Kanjos some uniforms… Looking at the picture above am left wondering where the millions that are allocated towards the purchase of uniforms go to


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