Wangamati beats MCAs supplementary budget ultimatum


In summary;

  • Presser (videos)
  • Contractor’s dilemma
  • 118 million misappropriated
  • Wangamati’s prompt reaction

Speaking at the assembly during a press briefing, Kimaeti MCA and Budget Committee Chair Hon. Jack Wambulwa informed that the assembly has been waiting for the supplementary budget since August 2020. The irate MCA reckons that the executive has been engaging in a series of fruitless Cabinet meetings an indicator of possible misappropriation of funds and/or spending against the primary budget allocation. Hon. Wambulwa pointed out the need to pay casuals who have been working for about 2 years without pay as he reminded the public that 48 million was appropriated towards paying of casuals in the FY 2020/21… while indicating that most casuals serve in the revenue department, the legislator alleged that there could be a possibility that the unpaid employees are paying themselves from the collections they make negatively affecting remittance… “The County won’t hit its revenue target” said Mr. Wambulwa.

The Budget boss also talked of the need to pay bursary/scholarship for needy leaners saying the County government has NOT paid for beneficiaries and/or scholarships after sending commitment letters to various schools. Wambulwa wondered why there has been such a huge number of fruitless Cabinet meetings with the last two taking place on Sunday, 31 Feb 2021 and Tuesday, 2 Feb 2021.

The no nonsense MCA concluded by asking governor Wangamati.

“… Gavana Wangamati, hizi pesa ambazo ulipewa ulipeleka wapi  …Tuletee hii supplementary, LAKINI isiwe umeguza area ambayo haustahili kugusa…”

Majority Leader and Tuuti/Marakaru MCA ~ Hon. Juma Nyongesa asked the public to support the County Assembly in its oversight role which amounts to protecting public interest (money). He asked Wangamati to declare where he took money meant to pay Casuals;

  • 2019/2020 – 70 million
  • 2020/2021 – 48 million

The County Assembly later received the Supplementary Budget the same day Thursday 4th, February 2021 after 4:00 p.m… Hours after the Honourable Members demanded for the same


#iKUWEiKUWE Corner;

  • The 118 million (70+48) meant to pay Casuals was allegedly used to finance violence/goons and cheering squads at funerals as well as party squabbles
  • #iKUWEiKUWE can authoritatively inform the public that the bursary fund was diverted to roads after it became clear that schools were not opening
  • The pending bills fund of about 200 million was released by treasury, it ended up paying the Dual Carriage contractor who is the ultimate priority to Wangamati
  • I can authoritatively declare here that 2 contractors who wish to remain unanimous have had their assets attached in a bid to recover funds loaned to them to facilitate tenders they won in the county last year; One is from Bumula and the other is from Kabuchai…
  • IN SHORT: The delay has been caused by failure to balance books… Hata hiyo 48 hours sioni wakimake
  • STAY TUNED; will share the supplementary budget soon


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