FAKE rubberstamp used to transact World bank’s 351 million NARIGP fund business

Makanda Mathews Chirasha Mukisu - Agriculture CEC, Bungoma County

 In Summary;

  • Whistle blower
  • Unique wrap-up meeting
  • CEC’s secret meeting with World Bank officials
  • Secret Report
  • CEC Makanda summoned by DCI
  • FAKE rubberstamp
  • What’s NARIGP
  • Agriculture CECs rejoinder
  • #iKUWEiKUWE Corner


Whistle blower;

It all started on 22nd September 2020 when Mrs. Mary Situma, NARIGP’s Bungoma County Agribusiness Development Officer (CADO) and Component 2 Head wrote a complaint letter to County Director of Human Resource raising a number of issues including;

Funds received Kshs. 351,997,903/=

  • Harassment and Bullying by CE Agriculture Makanda Mukisu who pressured her to resign just like he did to her predecessor Mr. Fredrick Wotia
  • County Project Coordinator (CPC), Ms Rebecca Lusweti denying her access to funds
  • County Project Coordinator (CPC);
    1. June 2019; took imprest 2,714,100/= that had been applied for by CADO
    2. September 2020; She took 447,250/= being a claim for preparation of EDPs and CNA which had also been applied for by the CADO
    3. June 2020; CPC refused to approve to 312,000/= being payments for facilitators who conducted training for Producer Organizations, she instead irregularly recommended reallocation of funds knowing very well that it was not possible to do that. Since then, the facilitators have not been paid.
    4. On 8/6/2020, the CPC wrote Mary Situma a letter, Ref: Unsatisfactory Performance of Duty, a letter that sounded malicious because she had one several occasions interfered with Component 2 activities and denying Mary access to funds only to turn around and blame her for poor performance.
    5. Mary noted that; National Project Coordinator had never raised a complaint against her performance. On the contrary, the World bank has on several occasions, complemented her.

 Unique wrap-up meeting;

“… Nooo! Noo! Noo! You can’t do this…” please let’s talk about this”

~ Agriculture CEC, Makanda Mukisu ~

After landing in Bungoma for an audit World Bank officials concluded their work and convened a wrap-up meeting held in CEC’s office where ironically NONE of the participants was given the copy of the report during the session. ikuweikuwe.com is reliably informed that CEC Makanda picked all reports from WB officials and kept them with him during the meeting and left with them to some unknown location after work. It is in this meeting that participants went thru the report WITHOUT individual copies provided to them. After going through the recommendations, the CEC started lamenting saying; “… Nooo! No! Noo! You can’t do this…” please let’s talk about this” before turning his guns at Mary who had raised the concern(s) that prompted the auditor’s visit. Makanda went on an insult-rich tongue lashing spree that saw him shout obscene words like “You are a jigger that has to be removed and thrown away… Roho ya shetani… A useless woman who is fighting the project…”

At this point ikuweikuwe.com was not able to ascertain the magic Makanda used to change the minds of the WB officials but all I can authoritatively report is everyone else was asked to leave as the CEC remained with the auditors


A request from Mary who raised the concern that prompted the audit that she be provided with the audit report was unsuccessful as she was told the report would be shared with relevant authorities

CEC Makanda summoned by DCI;

Reported at the DCIO on Monday 11th Jan 2021 that her boss CEC Agriculture Makanda Mukisu had been extremely abusive to her and had also threatened her to the point of her fearing for her life …  The CEC was summoned on Tuesday 12th Jan 2021 where he apologized for the insults as Mary was advised to handover and exit the project to avoid more confrontation. Upon leaving the DCIO’s office, the CEC called Chief Officer Araput instructing him to without delay write a deployment letter for Mary

Deployment letter with a chief officer’s rubberstamp believed to be FAKE

Deployment letter with a chief officer’s rubberstamp believed to be FAKE

What’s NARIGP;

The National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Project (NARIGP) is implemented by the Government of Kenya (GoK) through the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MoALF), State Department for Agriculture (SDA), with funding support from the World Bank. The intended beneficiaries of the Project are communities in 21 selected Counties of Kenya, these include: – Arid Areas (Turkana and Samburu); Semi-Arid Areas (Makueni, Kitui, Embu, Meru, Kwale, Kilifi and Narok); and Medium-to-High Rainfall Areas (Kirinyaga, Kiambu, Murang’a, Nakuru, Bungoma, Trans Nzoia, Nandi, Vihiga, Kisii, Migori, Nyamira and Homa Bay).


Four Components of NARIGP:

Component 1: Supporting Community-Driven Development.

Component 2: Strengthening Producer Organizations and Value Chain Development.

Component 3: Supporting County Community-Led Development.

Component 4: Project Coordination and Management.

Project financing;

NARIGP will be financed with a US$ 200 million loan from the World Bank and local contribution of US$ 19 million from the GoK. IDA Credit No is 5900-KE. Project Number:            P153349.

A summary of the project costs by component is as follows:

No Component Amount million US $
1 Component 1: Supporting Community-Driven Development 80.0
2 Component 2: Strengthening Producer Organizations and Value-Chain Development 50.0
3 Component 3: Supporting County Community-Led Development 72.0
4 Component 4: Project Coordination and Management 17.0
Total Project Costs 219.0


Financing for Bungoma County in the Financial Year 2019/2020

Funds received Kshs 351,997,903/=

SCREENSHOT – CEC Makanda claims to have distributed avocado seedlings to Mt. Elgon farmers

 Expenditure Per Component;

No Component Expenditure (Kshs)
1 Component 1 194,609,869
2 Component 2   23,326,338
3 Component 3   30,837,631
4 Component 4   46,445,994
  Total 295,219,832


The micro projects are in 20 wards.

No. Constituency Beneficiary wards
1. Bumula Subcounty Bumula, West Bukusu, Siboti, Khasoko and Kabula
2. Kimilili Subcounty Kimilili, Kibingei, Kamukuywa and Maeni
3. Mt. Elgon Subcounty Kaptama, Kapkateny, Cheptais, Chesikaki and Chepyuk
4. Sirisia Subcounty Namwela, Luanda yino Malakisi/ South Kulisiru
5. Webuye East SubCounty Ndivisi, Mihuu and Maraka



All the stories are fake and cheap propaganda. Please share widely but just know there is no single truth in it. Mary Situma was removed from the project due to incompetence and laziness and it doesn’t matter how many propaganda you guys churn out, she is gone and the project will continue. The rest is just noise

~ Agriculture CEC, Matthews Makanda Mukisu ~

The CEC played ignorant on the concerns ikuweikuwe.com raised on the MISPELLED rubberstamp choosing to asked #eDDUHSimiyu to contact the CO John Wasike, something we were unable to do.

#iKUWEiKUWE Corner;

  • FIRST, I wish to declare that Mary with “all” mistakes she might have committed is a victim of Wangamati – Lusaka political wars
  • The process of placing a requisition by the consumer department, to tendering to supplying and therefore paying paying for rubberstamps involves a lot of bureaucracy that ALL officers involved in the procurement process cannot miss to see the error.
  • The purported WB funding has almost zero output… and the county government has kept the benefiting groups list secret to avoid public scrutiny.
  • 600 micro projects by CIGs/VMGs have been approved and funded to the tune of Kshs. 150,000,000/= ….WHERE ARE THESE PROJECTS?
  • Sustainable Land management for Wabukhonyi Dam in Siboti (a Multi Community Investment activity) … AT WHAT COST?
  • 860 Common Interest Groups/ Vulnerable and Marginalized Groups (CIGs/VMGs) … WHERE ARE THE RECORDS???
  • 11 Producer Organizations (POs) … NAMELY???
  • 20 Community Driven Development Committees (CDDC)- 1 per Ward … NAMELY???
  • Make the WB report public
  • ikuweikuwe.com wishes to condemn conflict of interest by Mary Situma following her hosting a NARIGP meeting at her resort as claimed by the CEC… Public servants must ever restrain themselves from this vice



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