Bungoma dual carriageway taking shape, but…


In Summary;

  • Video
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  • Extract from Governor’s Press archive
  • #iKUWEiKUWE Corner

Signs indicating that at least a section of the controversial dual carriage will be ready for use just in-time for the 2022 elections are more evident than before following a beehive of activities currently being witnessed on the Musikoma – Kiwanja Ndege stretch… quality and BQ precisions aside



From the Governor’s Press Service – Bungoma;

#iKUWEiKUWE Corner;

Although am yet to lay my hands on the BQ… There is notable progress

Alternative routes; There exist a problem with provision of alternative routes. The ones created are causing more damage to vehicles… I’ll nevertheless wish to applaud the resident engineer and his team, they’ve swiftly been acting on concerns raised by the public.


  • There are no signages on the road apart from the red/white and/or yellow/black tape(s) that’s not reflective
  • According to a county official the public is to blame for stealing signages, most are sold as scrape…
  • The signs that are used are substandard they say a lot about the quality of road we should be expecting in relation to a road that was tendered at 1.4B and is said to likely cost a whooping 2.1B upon completion.


  • Just after doing a mandatory Covid-19 test on selected few employees, the “Chinese” contractor started harassing employees with by demanding that they deliver their IDs and other documents within a short time… A move that led to misunderstanding where employees protested wanting to know why they were being asked for IDs when they send copies to the employer (“Chinese” company) while applying for the job.
  • #iKUWEiKUWE has also learnt that the County govt of Bungoma has moved to address the issue of the Chinese importing labor. They ordered for ID cards for each employee under the contractor’s payroll
  • The Contractor has been harassing employees for lacking facemasks, some have been send packing. The dusty environment the employees find themselves in demand that their employer supplies them with PROTECTIVE gear as part of their uniforms… OTHERWISE; Obviously Wangamati seems to have conveniently forgotten that Wekelekha school of excellence was launched three (3) times for the purposes of producing facemasks for the entire County??
  • We still have areas that have had NO piped water since the dual carriage construction began almost a year ago
  • There is need to improve on employee’s welfare… The county must up their game in protecting residents working for the “Chinese” contractor
  • Employees must be communicated in written why they are being fired…
  • The County govt. must choose to primarily protect employees interests against mistreatment by this River-road contractor


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