Covid-19 patient’s unique strike that sent medical personnel scampering for safety




Webuye KMTC is the official Bungoma County ISOLATION WARD for Covid-19 confirmed cases. The facility that currently hosts about 13 patients has about 5 medical personnel and one doctor who are solely assigned to tackle these patients.

Trouble began on Monday, October 19, 2020 after one patient lost a phone prompting a combined effort of all patients in tracing it. It was later found to have been stolen by a prisoner who is in isolation but later the patients took advantage of their united front to escalate their anger to the administration over several issues among them delayed lunch that’s normally served without any meat despite the fact that records show otherwise. The Covid-19 patients who had been for some time complained on a number of issues decided to go on a hunger strike but before they scared the hell out of the medical personnel present by threatening to unmask them and therefore risk contracting Covid-19. The personnel who were seated outside socializing among themselves had to scatter as they screamed only to come back later after the doctor contained the situation by apologizing on behalf of the administration and therefore promising better services henceforth


Among their grievances included;

  1. Poor food
  2. Food is served late…. Lunch at 3-4pm
  3. Serious delays of scheduled treatment
  4. No change of bedding
  5. Lack of slippers / Sandals
  6. No sanitizers
  7. Some patients miss out on food
  8. Patients do wash own beddings


#iKUWEiKUWE Corner:

On learning the above #iKUWEiKUWE went out to dig deeper using my sniffer rats who emerged with astonishing findings;

  • Apparently Satellite Hotel that serves food is a well-known one in Webuye which serves according to the contract with the County govt. of Bungoma. I was informed that a certain diet is observed but on a daily delivery proteins are always a feature in meals… a fact that’s collaborated by a senior official at Webuye
  • It turns out that someone somewhere seems to have opted to be keeping delivered meat to him/herself if not themselves once the hotel delivers at the facility
  • The Webuye Hospital official also indicated that there must be a communication break-down between the facility and the senior health officials for proper action on such issues
  • With only about 50 million out of the 213 Covid millions utilized it’s unacceptable to keep money in bank accounts, brag about its existence while failing to use it on functions it was meant for…. Yaani buying 13 pairs of sandals pia nikibarua kabisa????
  • We duped the National govt that we have 404 ICU beds for Isolation purposes… where are they?





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