DEMONSTRATION ALERT: Why Kibabii Girls Boarding Sch. Parents want Principal replaced by Church

Protest illustration
Parents of ST. MARYS KIBABII GIRLS BOARDING COMPRESIVE SCHOOL wish to notify you on the intention to hold a peaceful demonstration on FRIDAY 8/02/2025 due to bad leadership and not involving parents/guardians in matters concerning the school by the school principal on the following basis;
  1. Hiking of school fees without parent’s involvement in making decisions concerning school fees; you attend a class meeting and the principal just reads what you need to agree on without any discussion.
  2. School nurse ksh 2000 per child yet children are covered by parents/guardians on SHA and other medical covers. This was never agreed by parents.
  3. Bus fee ksh3,000 per child per term for now over 10 years yet no records of accountability, Parents demand full audit report of bus fund and any plans of getting it.
  4. Fence/Perimeter wall fee Kshs 150 per child. Parents feel that the perimeter wall is not a priority and were never consulted fully or agreed in the AGM.
  5. The school is requesting Ksh. 300 per child for prizes and awards which is an extra burden to parents and it was never agreed by parents.
  6. Lunch program; All pupils eat at school not basing on childrens health records and teachers. This was never discussed by parent’s/Guardians on the issue of confining all pupils in the school during lunch break; we have pupils who come from within and should be allowed to go home and come back on time for classes and also the Business community at Kibabii who are the school’s stakeholders who run hotels ought to benefit from pupils getting lunch from them for those who can’t get home for lunch. Lastly, we have noticed that that the teachers including the principal are running hotels and canteens in classes and the food our children are feeding on and the environment is not conducive.
  7. Parents/guardians demand the school Board of management to be disbanded for failing to represent them and instead collude with the school head to manipulate them.
  8. Sending children home almost daily for failing to pay irregular/unjustified schools fees very early in the morning including those in lower Grades thus risking children’s life and exposing them to danger.
  9. Parents demand accountability of CBC money which is 1500/= per child.
  10. Grade 6 Pupils are to pay Ksh. 3,000/- just for a trip to Kisumu and back parents think it’s an exaggerated figure.
  11. Grade 9 students told to pay money for ceiling and tiles for new classrooms funded by World Bank who were to fund fully complete classes, and timber for those classes roofing were cut from the school trees.
  12. Lastly, The community demands that the school administration be handed back to a Nun/Rev. Sister to head the school either on acting or substantive basis , this is an humble plea to His Lordship the Bishop of Bungoma Catholic Diocese Mark Kaddima and T.S.C county director Bungoma. i.e the community demands the current Principal be transferred with immediate effect.
Catholic Bishop; Bungoma Diocese
Priest In charge; Kibabii Parish
Priest In charge; Education Bungoma Diocese
Area Mp; Kanduyi Constituency
Area Mca;Marakaru/Tuutiward
Area Chief ; Kibabii Location
Area Ass. Chief: Tuuti Sub location
Commander In charge Kibabii Patrol Base
Principal St Marys Kibabii Girls Boarding Compressive School
County Director; TSC Bungoma county.

~ Community ~


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