PETITION: Bungoma Polytechnic Students Concerns That Ultimately Provoked Devastating Protests

Bungoma National Polytechnic gate damaged by protesting students on 8th Oct 2024 4


We the Students of the Bungoma National polytechnic present our petition on various issues to  your able office, we are deeply concerned about the situation of uneasiness among the staff, workers and student fraternity  that has been witnessed in this institution for more than one year.
This are some of the grievances we are bringing to your office;
  1. Suspension of students and fraud
  • The management of this institution through the dean’s office has been taking money (3000) from students with a blessing from the principle saying that it is meant for Government scholarship. How can we pay 3000shillings for a scholarship we can apply using our phones?
  • The administration has been forcing us to cater for our upkeep while on official academic and sports activities outside the college.
  • the principle is unlawfully suspending students who freely air their views that affects their stay in school
  1. Lack of academic resources
  • As we speak our polytechnic is a centre of agriculture but the principle decided to sell all the cows and lease the school farm now the students in the department lack fields for practical.
A bodaboda rider taking away fertilizer and groceries stolen from Bungoma National Polytechnic during 8th Oct 2024 protest
A centre of excellence in agriculture for producing maize year in year out??!!!
Our agricultural methods are archaic for us to be called a centre of excellence in agriculture.
  • Other departments to are suffering due to neglecting the academic department of the institution.
  1. Harassment
  • Through the Police and the school security the principal has changed the school to be a remand centre where students are harassed even in class by the above mentioned persons

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  1. Tribalism
  • We wonder how only kalenjins can be employed as interns? Don’t we have other tribes in Kenya? Why is the principal firing the staff to employ her people?
  • Salome Ayela Wekesa 26, a student at Bungoma National Polytechnic. Was shot dead during a students protest on 8-10-2024
    Name: Salome Ayela
    Home: Malava( Ikoli)
    Family: Leaves behind a 1yr old called Olivia
    Course: Dip. in Accountants, 2nd Year
    She was a friendly girl and always happy with a lot of jokes
  1. Transferring of teachers
  • This a vital issue that is forcing teacher to lack the moral to teach. How can a polytechnic loose three senior admistrators in a less than a year?
We understand change is vital for the institution to grow but wholesale changes raise suspicion and may become a detriment to the growth of this institution.
Transfers are important but random transfers every few weeks are a cause for concern.
  1. Co-curricular activities.
The Bungoma National Polytechnic inherited the name sports power from the former Sang’alo Institute..nowadays the principal has shown she doesn’t support activities in the school, this has been witnessed where teams are trimmed ignoring the minimum number recommended for particular sports activities.
NB-All school activities shall not go on until the principal is transferred!!!

Yours truly,




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