County Assemblies Sports Association (CASA) participants at a recent event
The Fifth Edition of the County Assemblies Sports Association (CASA) games shall be held in Bungoma County in October (18th– 27th) this year.
The decision to have Bungoma host this year’s games was arrived at during a CASA National Governing Council (NGC) meeting in Nairobi a fortnight ago.
This year’s games festival theme is, “Fostering Inclusivity and Diversity in County Sports and Cultural events” which resonates with the current efforts being employed by the County Governments to inculcate sports and culture at the grassroot levels as a livelihood for the youth.
Speaking during the meeting, CASA Chairperson Hon. Peter Imwatok said that the decision to give Bungoma rights to host the games was arrived at after a thorough consideration by the National Executive Committee (NEC). Bungoma and Laikipia had been scouted as possible hosts.
“We need to live beyond CASA, there is no County that loses but we are all winners. When history will be written in black and white, I am sure this governing council shall be remembered for being truthful and honest to the spirit of CASA. I do believe in our rallying creed, CASA NI SISI NA SISI NI CASA,” said Hon. Imwatok.
“I implore all of us to support the course and hit the ground running, let’s put the best foot forward and pull the best for the fifth edition,” he added.
Other Counties which have hosted CASA games in the past include Nakuru County which did last year (2023), Mombasa County(2021), Uasin Gichu County (2019) and Nairobi County which hosted the inaugural games in the year 2018 immediately after CASA de-linked from the Kenya Inter Counties Sports and Cultural Association (KICOSCA) to chat its own path.
Welcome to the Land of Sugar and White grain:
Bungoma is a County in the former Western Province of Kenya with its capital in Bungoma town. It has a population of 1,670,570 of which812,146 are males and 858,389 are females as per the 2019 census.
It has nine constituencies which include Bumula, Kabuchai, Kanduyi, Kimilili, Mt. Elgon, Sirisia, Tongaren, Webuye East, and Webuye West and 45 Wards.
Currently, former Speaker of the Senate H.E.Kenneth Lusaka is the Governor while Hon. Emmanuel Mukhebi Situma is the Speaker of the County Assembly. Both are former legislators each serving a second term in the respective offices.
The economy of Bungoma County is mainly agricultural, centering on the sugarcane and maize industries. The area experiences high rainfall throughout the year and is home to several large rivers, which are used for small-scale irrigation.
And while farming is the main economic activity in the county dominance being sugarcane, one of the country’s largest sugar factories namely Nzoia Sugar Company as well as numerous small-holder sugar mills create employment for the residents.
On the other hand, other main cash crops include sugar cane, cotton, palm oil, coffee, sunflower, and tobacco. Maize is also grown for subsistence, alongside pearl millet and sorghum, beans, finger millet, sweet-potatoes, bananas, Irish potatoes, and assorted vegetables.
Bungoma Eminence:
The origins of modern-day Bungoma town, its capital town, date back to the early 20th century, when it was established as a trading center.
It was one of the substantial “beneficiaries” of the Kenya-Uganda Railway line. Before the arrival of the rail, nothing in the form of a settlement existed, much of its modest pastoral population then scattered round the mountain and its healthful forests.
It’s also argued that officially, Bungoma Town was founded in 1925 with the arrival of the rail, which provided a new phase for the area. Soon afterwards, this became a camping ground for railway workers who mainly consisted of Asians and a few Europeans.
This early advantage provided impetus for the growth of its commerce and drastically hastened settlement. Prior to this, “the town was a meeting place by the Bukusu elders who used drums (engoma) to summon people to meet.
It was, therefore, referred to as the place of drums by the Bukusu and Tachoni Tribes, hence the name “Bungoma”.
There is a second version of the story. It says that in the early days, the area was occupied by the Bungomek, a clan of the Sabaot. The Bungomek was later driven out by the Bukusu, but the name Bungoma, echoing their occupation, remained.
CASA Economic benefits to Residents:
CASA games come with a basketful of goodies to the residents and the County at large. Some of the activities that CASA embroil in are preparatory meetings including a handing over ceremony that brings NGC Members, Speakers and Clerks together.
This is later followed by the main bonanza which takes part for 10 days with a host of more than 6,000 participants who include the Members of County Assemblies(MCAs) and the Staff drawn from the 47 County Assemblies.
Following the meeting and the festival, business fraternity is boosted economically including eateries, accommodation centers and entertainment joints. Recently there has been an upsurge of the hotel industry in Bungoma mainly driven by business travelers.
Tourism sector is also not left behind with participants exploring Mother Nature as part of promoting the County’s economy. In this case, Bungoma shall treat the guests with a rare glimpse of visiting Mt. Elgon National Park as well as learn more about the cultural events such as traditional circumcision.
The participants will also be able to learn from each other on best legislative practices, share ideas on how to better County Leaderships and development ideologies forming part of the dialogue. It becomes one of the many reasons why people need to co-exist through integration and cohesion.
The culmination of the CASA event is crowned by a selected team drawn from various disciplines participating in the regional East Africa Local Authority Sports and Cultural Association. CASA takes this opportunity to congratulate BUNGOMA COUNTY ASSEMBLY for being selected to host the Fifth CASA Games Festival.
~ County Assemblies Sports Association – CASA ~


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