PETITION FOR ACTION: ST. ELIZABETH SECONDARY SCHOOL- LUNAO Whereas our attention has been drawn on several matters of concern as community, we write as we hereby do to seek among others information and or support to get clarity on among others items of concern over our school, St. Elizabeth Lunao secondary school. As a community, we note with a heavy heart and concern over the deteriorating school Performance in the last two Educational Calendar Years. Our school as a community is anchored on excellence and since inception, this has been the case. We note however, that in the recent past, the schools performance is on decline. As friends of the school and community, we have noted an alarming trend of issues raised including during Parents Meetings that which attention and or action has not been seen to be taken.
For Instance, we note with concern the 1. Lack Of accountability on the side of the school administration on Funds and Building materials Collected for Purposes of Dormitory Building and completion for now over Five Years. 2. The Awarding Of school tenders and the sole involvement of the School Bursar In supplying Of Uniforms and Several school Items using proxies and Pseudo Persons contrary to the regulations on school tendering and Procedures 3. The school inability to demonstrate any Growth and Progress on the developmental front the last two years, as a community, we do not have any feasible and tangible activities that we can point out the last two years, considering the growing population owing to the Performance reputation the school has had in the Past, thus attracting a following from far and wide. 4. The students having not enough furniture in form of lockers and there being no concern on the part of the welfare of the students, Some of the Form 1 streams having Jiggers due to lack of floors and or use of cow dung in glasses. 5. The toilets in the school are almost full yet there is not any action to mitigate on the same, this poses a health risk to both the learners and neighboring community as well. 6. Complaints from staff and non-Teaching Staff on delays in remunerations and salaries for longer periods. 7. Lack of transparency when government capitation is released 8. How maintained and Repairs allocations are used as most of the equipment’s are in very bad shape, there isn’t any feasible on any old equipment’s 9. We need an audit on the school accounts as well Lifestyle audit on the school Bursar, This is informed by how she has made tremendous self-Improvements Knowing so well the source and state of the office and locality of school, with an empire of Plots spanning as far as Kisiwa, Kibabii while we do not see any developments in the school. 10. We need answers as to why there was hurried closure of the school without parent’s involvement, No assessment reports for learners, No PTA meetings and or communications from the school. 11. We need answers as to why the school did not participate or sent representation during the Sub County Education Day through the Principal. Drawing from this observations, and many other unmentioned, we write therefore to kindly request for a sit down with the school Board and administration such that we are informed to the full of the concerns as we raise through a Parents General Meeting, this has not been happening. We will appreciate if this response comes in time to avoid any interference in the school calendar and activities as this matters contribute a lot on the performance and well-being of the school and community. This can also be an opportunity for the community to expressly get assurance of the common interests and shared values as St Elizabeth School sits well within this community and the entire ranking. Our demands therefore as informed of the above are as follows:
The transfer of The Principal from the school with Immediate effect
Removal and Hiring of a qualified and Competent Bursar
Immediate Call for School Community and stakeholders meeting to address these matters with urgency.
Payments of Pending bills including Teachers delayed salaries
We will have great advantage with your kind intervention and response.
CC: Area Chief/Administration/Devolved Units/ Sub County Administration CC: Bumula Education Office CC: BOM St. Elizabeth Secondary School, Lunao
In Summary;
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