Bungoma County Assembly outlines plans for the Youth as it supports protests with reservations

Hon. Emmanuel Situma, Speaker - Bungoma County Assembly || FILE PHOTO
BUNGOMA, July 18, 2024
The County Assembly of Bungoma condoles with families that have lost their loved ones in the ongoing wave of protests and wishes a quick recovery to those that have been injured. We also stand with Kenyans whose property,businesses and other sources of livelihoods have been destroyed in the process.
We wish to reiterate our solidarity with peaceful protesters who are agitating for better governance of our beloved country. We however in the strongest terms condemn hooligans who have taken advantage of the peaceful protests to loot and cause destruction of property consequently affecting people’s livelihoods.
Unfortunately, during the protests, our Assembly has become a target and come under attack following some biased and unsubstantiated allegations that have put our performance to question. As a County Assembly, we welcome any criticism that can better our service delivery.
For clarity, the County Assembly has programs and avenues that are people friendly in pursuit of quality service delivery in line with our vision of being a “Model County Assembly that is proactive in service delivery.”
For avoidance of doubt, the County Assembly has robust programs that specifically target the youth as enumerated below:
  1. The County Assembly is in the final stages of considering the Youth Policy and Sports Policy. The two policies have undergone critical stages in the legislative journey and are at the tail end of the approval. The House will give them priority upon resumption from the Short Recess.
  2. The County Assembly in partnership with the Ministry of ICT at the National level has set up a Jitume Digital Skills laboratory within its Library. So far, more than 100 youth from across the County and neighboring Higher learning Institutions have undergone training from the LAB. They have been equipped with Digital literacy skills for online jobs and markets. More youths are targeted for training in the subsequent programs.
  3. In terms of Access to procurement opportunities, we have consistently complied with the legal requirements of setting aside 30 percent of our procurement opportunities to youth, women and Persons with disability. The same is evidenced by compliance reports and Audits done. The compliance can be accessed on the PPIP information portal.
  4. Our County Assembly continuously avails training opportunities to youth both in terms of attachment and internships. We currently have 64 students from various Colleges and Universities attached in our various departments. This is the highest number for any single department within our County.

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  5. The County Assembly ensures participation by youth during our Public Participation forums. Youth are directly invited to take part in this important avenues provided for by our laws.
  6. The Public Participation and Civic Education Bill and the Access to Information are at advanced stages in the enactment process. The two laws are meant to endorse Articles 1, 10,196 and 232 of the Constitution of Kenya.
  7. The County Assembly endeavors to ensure full disclosure for all our information. All documents from Tenders, advertised vacancies, Invitations for public participation and submission of memoranda, and our legislative tools such as Order Papers, Hansard Reports, Committee Reports and Petitions are all available on our Website. At the click of the button, one can access all these important records.
  8. The County Assembly operates an open door policy. All our offices right from the Office of the Speaker, the Clerk, all Leaders and staff are accessible by the public. Additionally, we have at strategic locations provided boxes and registers for Complaints, Whistle Blowing and Conflict of Interest. Members of the public are encouraged to use this avenues to register any complaints and grievances they may have.
  9. The County Assembly has an Ombudsman Committee that is tasked with processing all internal and external complaints whether they are verbal or written.
  10. The County Assembly also has a fully constituted Corruption Prevention Committee and Integrity Assurance Officers. The committees are meant to watch out and ensure the Institution doesn’t engage in corrupt dealings.
  11. Its worthy pointing out that a bigger fraction of our staff establishment are mostly youthful. A good number of our Hon. Members also fall in the youthful bracket.
In conclusion, the County Assembly of Bungoma wishes to reiterate its resolve to carry out its key mandates of Legislation, Representation and Oversight without fear or favor.
We remain open to criticism and public oversight that will enable us improve our services and serve the public better.
At this critical moment in our country, we urge all citizens to love one another, and preserve our great country for future generations to come.



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