Senate Devolution committee shocked by the state of Bungoma Hospitals and Markets

Senate Devolution Committee visits Chebkube Market, Bungoma on 21.6.2024

On 21st June 2024 the Senate Devolution Committee visited various projects (some ongoing) in Bungoma County on its fact finding mission on the status of Bungoma Hospital and markets. The Senators included Sen. Mohamed Abass Sheikh, Sen. Oginga Oburu, Sen. Onyonka Richard Momoima Hezena M. Lemaletian and Sen. David Wakoli Wafula.

The Senate’s visit was about State of Markets in the County following a correspondence with the County Trade depart.

They also met with Bungoma County executives led by the Deputy Governor Mrs. Janepher Chemtai Mbatiany sitting in for Governor Ken Makelo Lusaka who was away on official duty. Whereas they hailed the County on gains made in a few areas, the visibly displeased senators gave the County officials a hard time while engaging them on various key concerns among them unpaid dues for casuals, stalled projects. Sources indicate that Sen. Onyonka told the CECM for Gender, Youth and Sports Mrs. Monica Fedha to shut up following her response on why the County hadn’t paid casuals for months. In her response she indicated that the issues being experienced now were caused by the previous regime thus should be blamed. This angered the Kisii Senator who then told the former Ag. County secretary to shut up adding that  they’d not entertain blame games two years down the line but expect solutions from those in office at any given time. This prompted the DG to intervene asking the committee to go slow on the overwhelmed executive.

The DG did not accompany the committee members to site for she went missing immediately after the meeting.

Kamukuywa market
The Senate Committee on Devolution and Intergovernmental Relations also paid an impromptu visit to Bungoma County Referral Hospital (BCRH) to establish challenges the constituents are facing whilst seeking medical care a move that seemed to have been pushed by the resident Senator Wafula Wakoli who has over time been having issues with healthcare. The Committee visited the ICU, Maternity wing, Renal unit and the Pharmacy. The Health department leadership was put to task on a number of issues including lack of sufficient drugs when it was discovered that BCRH did not have drugs for snake bites this nevertheless seems to be the same case as Siaya County as indicated by Sen. Oburu. Patients sleeping on the floor was another concern that the committee noted as well as display of dead machines that needed servicing. Bungoma county was applauded for having a fully functional ICU Facility.

It was noted that KEMSA doesn’t supply drugs to Bungoma County forcing the facility to procure from other  Entities.

The Renal unit also required extra equipment since the four available ones were not sufficient for the very many patients.

Other facilities visited were Chebkube Market (Bungoma town), Bukembe Market and the incomplete Kamukuywa market (Kimilili) where a wide range of concerns were noted including lack of insufficient water supply, toilets, inadequate space in relation to traders and general sanitation etc

The County govt. indicated that it’s in the process of buying an extra piece of land around that area to create more space for Chebkube market.

Bungoma County Referral Hospital bed

Traders wanted to know the status of Trade Loans too and so we told them we had already completed laying structures to aid Disbursement of loans,and even provided Loan forms to all the 45Wards and so encouraged them to pick the forms from ward admins offices and apply.

County Govt. however reminded the defaulters to keep on paying what they owe the county from 2014 to 2018.

There’s notable progress at Kamukuywa Market, the only issue was KENHA removing traders on the Highway yet the market is not yet complete. The 2000 traders capacity facility will be completed in December 2024 following the National Government pledge that it will financially support the the remaining works.
Water and drainage on this markets are part of the scope and so once its completed everything will be available.

Other issues raised were lack of adequate streetlights at some markets, poor drainage system, waste disposal issues and Sanitation issues which the County Govt promised to work on in the next Financial year.

The Committee membership;

  • Sen. Mohamed Abass Sheikh – Wajir County, UDM
Vice Chairperson
  • Sen. Catherine Muyeka Mumma – Nominated, ODM
Committee Members
  • Sen. Pesi Peris Tobiko – Nominated, UDA
  • Sen. George Mungai Mbugua – Nominated, UDA
  • Sen. Chute Mohamed Said – Marsabit County, UDA
  • Sen. Oginga Oburu – Siaya County, ODM
  • Sen. Onyonka Richard Momoima – Kisii County, ODM
  • Sen. Hezena M. Lemaletian – Nominated, ODM
  • Sen. David Wakoli Wafula – Bungoma County, Ford Kenya


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