I was framed by these CPSB members and Police ~ Prof Nyukuri Barasa

Prof. Nyukuri Barasa
In Summary:
  • Nyukuri’s letter
  • Wasike Godfrey’s letter
Hallo Edduh,
I am a renowned Governance Expert, Human Rights Defender and Volunteer Public Interest Litigant with over 20 years of experience in advocacy for sound public policy, good governance, transparency and accountability at county, country and continental levels.
Kindly ask whoever gave you the information to table any evidence of how I received any single shilling from the short changed village administrators or casual workers either via MPESA, bank account or cash signed for.
Also watch:https://fb.watch/ltMuVDefzJ/
The last pages are for the welfare group for justice Seekers where I am not a member,contributor or beneficiary of the 200 or 100 shillings they contributed for their sodas whenever they met in Bungoma Town.
Prof. Barasa Kundu Nyukuri is moving to the High Court of Kenya at Bungoma for Judicial Review against the Bungoma CCIO, DCIO, OCS, Joseph Samita Makata, Jonathan Nyongesa Namulala,Tony Wafula Temba and others involved in the syndicate to tarnish his name and assassinate his character based on unsubstantiated allegations.
As I told you earlier and you can get from my 6 paged statements that I was being framed by Joseph Samita Makata, Secretary of CPSB and Jonathan Nyongesa Namulala, Chairperson of the CPSB because of my hard stance on their scandals of village administrators and casual workers. I took them to the County Assembly and also to EACC to record statements on village administrators and on casual workers I took the case for Review by the Employment and Labour Relations Court at Bungoma.
I wish to inform the investigating office and the prosecution office that I have had more than One Hundred (100) Cell Phone Conversations and Several Short Test Message Services (SMS) between Mr. Jonathan Nyongesa Namulala-Chair of the CPSB and me (the accused) vide the following Cell Phone Numbers 0782691220,0727141676 and 0724930013 owned and operated by Jonathan Nyongesa Namulala and Cell Phone  Numbers 0720 369 518, 07333296064 and 0102283991 owned and operated by Barasa KunduNyukuri (the accused herein). The aforementioned Cell Phone conversations and test messages can be confirmed and verified by the Investigating Office and Prosecuting Offices from the Third Party Service Providers namely Safaricom Company Limited and Airtel Company Limited. I have printed and attached a few of the several Short Message Services (SMS) between me and Jonathan Nyongesa Namulala for your easy of reference, verification and authentication of my assertions herein.
I was hurt by the post you published on the Facebook and social media platforms. I wish you could have been given any documentary evidence to ascertain the allegations.

The two CPSB officials were using the CCIO Joseph Ondoro, DCIO Elijah Macharia and OCS David Odongo to harass and intimidate me.

Q. How comes I have not been taken to Court to answer to the allegations?

I was allegedly arrested on the 27th April 2023, I recorded my statement together with my witnesses. The Makata and Namulala team through Tony Wafula Temba and coached witnesses recorded statements at the DCIO Office.
Q. How comes I have not been taken to Court to answer to the allegations?
I have sacrificed my life to fight for justice for over 20 years without engaging in any form of corruption or Extortion.
I don’t see the reason why my name, character and integrity should be soiled based on rumors, innuendos, unsubstantiated allegations, witch-hunt and malice.
While I am seeking legal redress through my Application for Judicial Review against the CCIO, DCIO, OCS, Tony Wafula Temba, Makata and Namulala, I would request that you put the record straight through the Facebook and social media platforms now that you have new information and evidence.
I humbly request that the investigating officers summons Mr. Jonathan Nyongesa Namulala, Mr. Joseph Samita Makata and Mr. Gideon Juma of the Human Rights Watch to record their statements, regarding the complaints and allegations against me and torch Africa Civil Society Organization, before the prosecution of this Criminal Case at Bungoma Chief Magistrates Courts.
Best Regards,

~ Prof. Barasa Kundu Nyukuri, Governance Expert and Human Rights Defender
Torch Africa Civil Society Organization ~

Hi DCIO Mr Macharia? Am Wasike Godfrey from Kimilili a member of justice seekers. Recording my statement on what happened concerning this man Tonny Temba who reported Prof Barasa. Tony was desperate n we found him first time in Bungoma. He was not a member of Justus seekers in fact he dd not apply for the job. We gave him a lift n later positioned himself as representative of Tongaren people n by then we were with Wakili Brian Khaembah Prof Nyukuri was no where in fact we didn’t know him till recently. So this man Tonny took some money from Tongaren people n disappeared till recently he came back and we all asked him about the money he took from people amount to 10k If am not wrong. Prof. Nyukuri is innocent n in fact he doesn’t know this story of money. Tonny has to be held responsible for tat money sir. Am not within Bungoma but have tried to write my statement because I heard Prof has to come to explain About money .prof has never requested even one bob from justice seekers which am among them .That man conned innocent people that time of Wakili Bryan Khaemba. Have send you our conversation sir. Thank you sir.

~ Wasike Godfrey, Kimilili ~


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