Key Highlights of the 14B Bungoma County Budget Estimates – FY 2023/2024


In Summary;

  • Extracts
  • Resource Envelope
  • Departmental allocations
  • Download Annual Budget Estimates Final report

Bungoma County Government intends to spend a total of Kshs. 14,032,209,500 In the Financial Year 2023/24 to finance both its recurrent and development expenditure budget.


HEALTH AND SANITATION department has a total allocation of Kshs. 3,907,693,505 comprising Kshs. 3,461,671,065 on recurrent expenditures and Kshs. 446,022,440 on development expenditures.

EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING department has an allocation of Kshs. 1,587,328,260 comprising Kshs. 1,282,708,260 for recurrent expenditures and Kshs. 304,620,000 for development expenditures.

FINANCE AND ECONOMIC PLANNING department has a total allocation of Kshs. 1,308,023,267 where Kshs. 1,103,867,739 is recurrent expenditure and Kshs. 204,155,528 is development expenditure. The allocation is distributed across the directorates as shown below:

AGRICULTURE, LIVESTOCK, FISHERIES, IRRIGATION AND COOPERATIVES DEVELOPMENT department has an allocation of Kshs. 413,538,492 for recurrent and Kshs. 807,434,641 for development across the 3 sub-departments as follows:

ROADS AND PUBLIC WORKS department has a total allocation of Kshs. 1,202,349,030 comprising Kshs. 148,349,030 for recurrent expenditure and Kshs. 1,054,000,000 for development expenditure

COUNTY ASSEMBLY has a proposed allocation of Kshs. 938,275289 for recurrent expenditure and Kshs. 33,407,728 for development. Also captured is Kshs. 40,395,926 non-ceiling item allocation in line with the KRA demand notice.

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION department has an allocati0n of Kshs. 820, 940,450 comprising recurrent allocation of Kshs. 780,710,450 and development of Kshs. 40,000,000. The recurrent allocation is inclusive of Kshs. 18 million for sub-county administration

TRADE, ENERGY & INDUSTRIALIZATION department has a total allocation of Kshs. 501,259,756

  • Trade sector has an allocation of Kshs. 250,629,878 comprising; Kshs. 30,419,945 for recurrent and Kshs. 220,209,933 for development.
  • Energy sector has an allocation of Kshs. 127,472,340 comprising; Kshs. 18,472,340 for recurrent and Kshs. 109,000,000 for development
  • Industrialization sector has an allocation of Kshs. 209,437,920 comprising Kshs. 9,437,920 for recurrent and Kshs. 200,000,000 for development

TOURISM AND ENVIRONMENT department has an allocation of Kshs. 311,018,987 on recurrent and Kshs. 205,000,000 on development.

GOVERNOR’S OFFICE has proposed recurrent expenditure of Kshs. 423,242,799 and development expenditure of Kshs. 20,000,000

YOUTH AND SPORTS department of Youth and Sports has a total allocation of Kshs. 168,072,856 comprising Kshs. 27,804,497 for recurrent and Kshs. 140,268,359 for development.

Lands, Urban & Physical Planning department has a total allocation of Kshs. 127,977,801 comprising Kshs. 59,680,301 for recurrent expenditure and Kshs. 68,297,500 for development expenditure. Among the major projects and activities that the department proposes to do are;

  • Bungoma Municipality has a total allocation of Kshs. 247,000,000 comprising Kshs. 40,000,000 for recurrent and Ksh. 207,000,000 for development.
  • Kimilili Municipality has a total allocation of Kshs. 172,000,000 comprising Kshs. 50,000,000 for recurrent and Kshs. 122,000,000 for development.

WATER AND NATURAL RESOURCES department has an allocation of Kshs. 76,797,534 on recurrent out of which Kshs 38,953,975 is for salaries, operations and maintenance is Kshs. 37,843,559. The amount includes Kshs. 15,000,000 as counterpart KOICA funding whose work plan was provided.

GENDER, CULTURE AND SOCIAL WELFARE department has an allocation of Kshs. 72,908,159 on recurrent out of which Kshs. 28,972,440 for salaries, Kshs. 3,147,000 for gratuity and honorarium and Kshs. 43,935,719 for operation and maintenance. The allocation on gratuity was dropped because the department has no contractual staff.

COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD has an allocation of Kshs. 50,911,146 on recurrent and Kshs. 10 million on development

Download Final Report on Annual Budget Estimates 2023/24 here;

OFFICE OF THE COUNTY SECRETARY office has a proposed allocation of Kshs. 25,000,000 to finance its operations and maintenance costs. The allocation was however reduced by Kshs. 9.2 million.

DEPUTY GOVERNOR’S OFFICE has a total allocation of Kshs. 22,836,583 to fund its operations. The amount was enhanced by Kshs. 7 million in line with Sector Committee views.

COUNTY ATTORNEY office has an allocation of Kshs. 20,000,000 for the operations and maintenance costs including Kshs. 10 million for legal fees/dues, arbitration and compensation. The allocation was scaled down by Kshs. 7 million

The table below shows various sources of revenue and their contribution percentage component in the proposed budget estimates.

Download Final Report on Annual Budget Estimates 2023/24 here;


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