How NHIF is fueling ugly Lugulu Mission Hospital’s battle for leadership


In Summary:

  • Leaflets (allegations)
  • Rejoinder: Chair Amb. Jack Tumwa
  • Rejoinder:CEO Grace Khayota
  • VIDEO: Protestors vandalize Khayota’s car
  • Transformation (Images)
  • #iKUWEiKUWE Corner

Unsigned leaflets addressed to the Chairman Lugulu Mission Hospital (LMH) Amb. Jack Tumwa randomly thrown within the institution’s premises have provoked a conversation on the state of the Friends Church sponsored medical facility as worrying sides wash dirty linen openly in self defense or exposing the other side.
The rots in Lugulu Hospital

  • Salary delays
  • Wrong priorities
  • Concerns on the position of finance manager
  • Criteria followed to employ agriculturalist instead of an accountant
  • Sale of an ambulance (KAW 025Y)
  • Collapsing of zero grazing farming
  • Restrictions on usage of ambulance by employees and patients.
  • Employment of CEO, Administrator and HR officer
  • Unfair sacking of employees and nepotism
  • Demands that four step aside namely;
    1. Timothy Wanyonyi – presiding clerk
    2. Grace Khayota
    3. Joseph Walela
    4. Florence Ohubo


  1. Chairman Amb. Jack Tumwa first defended the four officers saying they were appointed to those positions by the owner of the facility; Friends Church and therefore the supremacy battles being sponsored by a faceless team of disgruntled employees holds no waters. He therefore indicated that the Church appoints the board which runs the Mission Hospital on its behalf. Therefore the Board works as a team and therefore it’s unfair to target a few through unscrupulous means (leaflets). Who do I even respond to if need be if the author never saw the need to identify self?
  • There were some administrative measures we took like installation of CCTV cameras following loss of property with no clue who and how they left the facility. Anyone complaining the improvement of surveillance is an enemy of progress and can easily qualify to be a suspect of previous thefts.
  • On salaries Ambassador regretted that the facility was facing extremely difficult financial times following mismanagement by previous leadership and failure by NHIF to pay the facility debts amounting to 19million. He indicated that he was indeed saddened by the fact that they were unable to pay workers salary for two-month (March and April) as he laid part blame on NHIF who owe them 19million, enough to settle pending bills and salaries instantly. The board has nevertheless engaged banks to step in as he hoped that salaries would be paid by end of this month. “It’s unfair to have our employees working without pay… and as a leadership we are doing everything to correct that” Concluded Tumwa
  • Sale of ambulance; The Chairman indeed agrees to the fact that an ambulance was sold but it was worn-out
  • The rest are just allegations with no head and tail, allegations whose authors have refused to own the leaflets. Tumwa indicated that: “…any allegation(s) towards an individual must be ignored for the facility is run by a board under my leadership blaming my juniors is as good as declaring me incompetent”

Grace Khayota ~ LMH CEO; While reacting to the infighting experienced, the CEO said “corruption fights back… and that’s why we are facing what we are facing now”. Khayota indicated that they found a rotten facility that had been mismanaged by the previous administration.

  • The Hospital had accumulated a lot of debts, debts we are in the process of paying now after creditors came calling
  • We have been taken to court, dealt with auctioneers but we have managed to handle all that prompting the ones who were purged to now target individual/personalities
  • Those bringing chaos are taking advantage of our failure to pay in good time to influence protests and disquiet even though they know we are here because of their bad leadership.
  • Khayota concluded by encouraging staff and the public to join they in restoring the good name of the facility saying “Lugulu mission Hospital is over 100 years old and should be far ahead of where it is
  • We are currently renovation the facility (male and female ward) with assistance from foreign sponsors who usually give conditions on the use of funds. 10 dialysis beds have been acquired

#iKUWEiKUWE Corner:

  • It is alleged that NHIF local officers are angry at Lugulu Hospital leadership following their decision to raise their concerns with the Nairobi office.
  • An audit report has exposed suppliers of air during the last administration
  • Some staff used fake papers to get jobs while some hold offices they otherwise don’t qualify to. This is making some very jittery
  • The use of ambulances has been put under strict watch to cub misused as witnessed before where drivers would drive in and out without proper work ticket as they at time run personal errands using hospital fuel
  • was unable to get hold of the author of the leaflets for comment

Transformation (images):





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