CHIEF OFFICERS SHORTLISTED: A look into Governor Ken Lusaka’s inner circle scramble for positions

Rodger Siboe - Chief Executive Officer at Roja Villa Resort Kenya and 2022 Kanduyi MP aspirant

In Summary;

  • Downloadable Shortlisted candidates (Pdf file)
  • Favorites, Godfathers/Mothers
  • Advert: Notice of Fora

Bungoma County Public Service Board recently published names of shortlisted candidates for Seven Chief Officer positions a move that prompted to unleash its rats to sniff for more info in whats turning out to be political appoints whose main qualification is more of political connection than Curriculum Vitae. Here are our findings;


EDUCATION – Nicholas J.T. Kiboi who was the favorite and therefore poised to be Bungoma County Deputy Governor but stepped down in favor of Jennifer

PUBLIC ADMIN: Governor Lusaka is said to be favoring his former CECM Public Admin MOKIN ARAP PTANGU’NY following their good working relationship but his handlers and Lumboka professionals who are key players in Lusaka’s inner circle want former Deputy County Secretary CHRISANTUS WAMALWA… They argue that Mokin won’t be able to work well under the current CECM Public Admin Mr. Emachar who was his junior in 2013-7 government… is also informed that Sabaots stand no chance since they already have a DG, CO (incoming Kiboi)

SHORTLISTED CANDIDATES FOR CHIEF OFFICERS: Advert-for-Shortlisted-Applicants (1)

AGRICULTURE: This position has witnessed a tag-of-war between Janet lobbying for John Wasike and other Lusaka handlers lobbying for Susan Nekesa Ngera a former CO TransNzoia who also worked here as a Sub-county Agric officer… She is an Agriculture specialist. The issue of Gender balance gives her a boost too. Director Agric Fredrick Wotia who left Sirisia long ago and now lives in Kabuchai (But has quoted Sirisia) is another top contender who is currently in-charge of purchasing and distribution of Fertilizer

HEALTH: Politician Sween Khayanga who unsuccessfully contested for Bungoma Women Rep position in the Aug elections is said to be getting a push from Janet who insists that the position needs a non-Medical practitioner (an administrator) since all the other top officers are medics by profession. This is after Lusaka himself expunged Janet’s name from the list fearing a backlash fro the public. Sween’s appointment will also boost gender balance… On the other side Dr. SIMON WAKOLI KISAKA who has impressed many by turning around Webuye Subcounty hospital remains the top dog as Lusaka keeps his cards close.

  • Former Busia Chief officer Health and Khalaba hospital Director DR. ISAAC OBORE OMERI is also ranked top.
Housing and Municipalities – Notice of Citizen’s Fora – Bungoma and Kimilili

TRADE – No one from Kabuchai will get it since the CECM is from Kabuchai. Following the recent uproar from the Muslim brothers who displayed their anger with Governor Lusaka’s failure to appoint one of their own in his government… Lusaka might just reward a Muslim here

  • RODGERS SIBOE MUYALA (feature image) who contested for Kanduyi Member of Parliament in the Aug 2022 elections has been shortlisted in the COUNTY CHIEF OFFICER TRADE, JOB GROUP “S” position with 16 others. The youthful politician had applied for two positions the other being the COUNTY CHIEF OFFICER ROADS, JOB GROUP “S”. He holds a Masters of Arts project (planning and Management).

ROADS: Lusaka is tone between Wellingtone Sindani the man behind the proposal that brought 1 Billion from World Bank to improve Municipalities and is also a key player in the ongoing cleanup and Silungi who is said to be his uncle and a key financier in campaigns.

  • No one from Mt Elgon since the CECM is from the region since the CECM is from the region…
  • Youthful Eng. Moses Wamalwa who was dropped for lack of experience (7yrs instead of the required 10) was the initial favorite. He was the only Youth to have applied for chief officer position.
  • HUMPHREY KHWATENGE SILUNGI who has been on numerous occasions been accused of misconduct and corruption has as expected made it to the list as number one candidate in the COUNTY CHIEF OFFICER ROADS, JOB GROUP “S” following what pundits say is his huge investment in Lusaka’s campaigns.

Read more:

COOPERATIVES; Mary Nekesa Situma, remember 351million NARIG scandal, she was the whistle blower no wonder her own brother the then CECM Health Anthony Walela distanced himself from her when Wangamati came after her.

Read More:


DINAH WASWA might continue serving in finance Chief Officer since she is Lusaka’s relative who had towards the end of last regime differed badly with Wangamati to the point of working from home for fear of being attacked by goons.

The advert reads in part:

We refer to the advertisement of vacant positions of County Chief Officers which appeared in the Standard and Daily Nation Newspapers of 4th October, 2022.
All persons shortlisted hereunder are invited for interviews as per the schedule at Mabanga ATC-Bungoma County. The shortlisted persons should carry original and photocopies of the following documents:
    a) Kenyan Identification (ID) card or passport.
    b) Certificates and testimonials.
    c) Current statutory clearances (HELB, Certificate of Good Conduct, KRA Tax Compliance  Certificate,
CRB and Clearance from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission).


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