In Summary:
- County Tourism Strategic Plan
- CO Appointments
Samburu County governor Lati Lelelit alongside his deputy Gabriel Lenengwesi, County Assembly Speaker Fred Lengees and CEC member for Tourism, Trade and Cooperatives development Raphael Lenayiarra kicked off their busy 30th day of Jan 2023 by gracing the Launch of Samburu County Tourism Strategic Plan 2022-2032 at the Maralal Safari lodge. The Plan was developed through an inclusive and highly consultative process involving all key stakeholders: National and County government, Community, Civil society, research, Academia and Private sector. It also attracted the presence of its partners Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT) and FAO Kenya who supported its development as well as representatives from Kenya Wildlife Service, NEMA and Kenya Forest Service .
It ultimately focuses to address the challenges in Tourism sector within the County through investments in potential Tourism development products, projects and programmes in a sustainable manner through a raft of strategic priorities which include:
- Tourism infrastructure development,
- Tourism policy and legal environment
- Profiling and marketing of tourism products
- Participatory conservation of wildlife and forest products
- Resource mobilization for tourism development
- Improving security for tourism development and
- Coordination and Management of Tourism development.
It further addresses important aspects of destination branding and positioning,creation/inclusion of tourism circuits that targets both domestic and international tourists.
Later, Governor H.E Lati Lelelit presided over an appointment ceremony of twelve Chief officers, members of the County Audit Committee and the County Budget & Economic forum at the County Headquarters.
The twelve chief officers are:
- Solomon Letirok – Finance
- Stephen Lenarmale – Education
- Regina Mwatha – Housing and urban development
- Mike Lekadaa – Lands and Physical planning
- David Lerno – Livestock Production and animal Health
- Josphat Lenguris – Medical Services
- Lekiluai Ndeki – Public Health and Sanitation
- Lenaseyan Juliana – Trade, Cooperatives and Enterprise Development
- Lenas Leshore – Environment and natural resources
- David Lenakula – Crop production
- Sarafino Lasangurkuri – Roads,Transport and public works
- Major (Rtd) Steve Leakono – Water and sanitation
Other appointments made by Governor Lelelit were: Head of the Governor’s delivery unit, Chief security advisor, Investment and partner relations coordinator and the interdepartmental coordinator.
Governor Lelelit challenged the Chief Officers to serve Samburu County populace without any favours with timely service delivery.