In Summary;
- Run-ins
- Rejoinder ~ Lusaka
The County Exchequer Account is an account held by the County at the Central bank where all money that is raised by or on behalf of the County government is to be paid. The County revenue fund which includes all local revenue collected and funds disbursed to Counties by the National government is kept.
Trouble between Lusaka’s government and the exchequer began when Bungoma requested for;
- 48 million – For the Forensic audit Task force which the exchequer termed as irregularly constituted.
- Funds to pay for renovation of Lusaka’s office – The exchequer declined due to failure by the county to provide documents that support the procurement process, implementation of the same but most importantly did not see the need for the said renovation.
- So was the recarpeting of Lusaka road which was done without a single procurement document.
Bungoma Governor has been forced to flee the following due to lack of funds. The embattled governor was scheduled to light up a Xmas tree today Friday, 23rd Dec 2022 but marked himself absent due to lack of funds. My rat in his inner circle informs he is “swimming” in Mombasa.
Another rat indicates that Kshs. 970,000 has been processed as Xmas gifts to workers but somehow the funds have not been released to workers
Revenue department has already rewarded its employees with Kshs. 1,000 each as their Xmas gift.
So far no salaries are available and bungoma workers are bracing for tough times this holiday season.
The County is planning to spend 1.8million shillings to entertain street kids (Maninja) on Saturday, 24 Dec 2022. This has been seen by many as a total fraud since the County is aware NO chokoraa will be willing to show up especially during this time when operation KICK CHOKORAA OUT of BUNGOMA is underway.
Bungoma workers are up in arms against the many trips that Bungoma Governor is making at the expense of their well-being. One employee who spoke to put the blame on the chief of staff saying she seems to be trip-happy as opposed to sitting/working from the office/County
In a rejoinder Bungoma governor Ken Lusaka informed that he stopped the lighting of Xmas tree since he saw it as an avenue to loot county as he promised a better organised celebration next year. On trips he indicated that the Zambia trip was fully paid for while the Italy trip was on behalf of the Council of Governors. He concluded by reminding us that he is a second term governor and is determined to seal all loopholes.
On salaries; he indicated that they are being processed
“I stopped that business because it was an avenue to loot County funds. I said the funds should be channelled to needy people in the county … The accounts are there to be checked by relevant bodies not busy bodies spreading half truths and innuendos. I have a right to celebrate my Xmas where I want. I am spending my own resources. Let people focus on serious issues. Why are they not talking about the tree planting and the projects I commissioned…” ~ Lusaka