Wangamati concedes defeat, wishes incoming Governor Rt. Hon. Ken Lusaka well

Outgoing Bungoma Governor Wycliffe Wangamati / FILE
In summary;
  • Wangamati’s statement
  • Subcounty Results 
The people of Bungoma have spoken and we respect that decision. This is therefore to congratulate Hon Kenneth Lusaka on his election as the Governor of Bungoma.
Secondly, I want to thank every citizen of Bungoma who thought and believed in my vision for Bungoma, and all those who supported my campaigns for re-election and voted for me.
To each one of you, I want you to know that every single vote, every single contribution, every word of advice and encouragement was and remains greatly appreciated.
To the great people of Bungoma, thank you for your trust and confidence on the basis of which I have served as your second Governor for the last 5 years.
It has been a worthwhile, fruitful experience. I have enjoyed engaging with you and bringing to reality the many things that were but dreams for our County.

I want to thank everyone who helped me achieve my mandate. My Cabinet and staff, you have been worthy dependable partners in this journey. May God bless you for the service you offered.
Lastly, I want to thank my wife Caroline. Words fail me. I know this loss is so much yours as it is mine. I know your heart for the people of Bungoma, I know what joy you derived in serving our people.
I want to thank you for coming in and being part of my campaign. Thank you for reminding me of how blessed and how privileged I am to have you.
To the Governor-elect, I wish you well in your new term in office. Now that politics is over, it is my prayer that you will adopt whatever you find worthy in what was my agenda for the great peopleof Bungoma.
I hope and believe you will be able to move this County to her next level of greatness because it is possible.
God bless you.
God bless Bungoma County.
Incoming governor Rt. Hon. Ken Lusaka

The following are verified results from IEBC statutory forms 37a and 37b for Bungoma Gubernatorial Election for 8 out of 9 Constituencies namely:

1. Bumula Constituency
Lusaka – 22,706
Wangamati- 24,934

2. Kimilili Constituency
Lusaka – 27,248
Wangamati- 8798

3. Kanduyi Constituency
Lusaka- 34,854
Wangamati- 31,258

4. Webuye West Constituency
Lusaka- 23, 600
Wangamati- 10,855

5. Kabuchai Constituency
Lusaka- 28,143
Wangamati- 13,625

6. Sirisia Constituency
Lusaka- 15,958
Wangamati- 12,191

7. Tongaren Constituency
Lusaka- 32,833
Wangamati-15, 487

8. Webuye East Constituency
Lusaka- 19,950
Wangamati- 11,090

Total Valid verified votes for each candidate at 4PM are as follows:

Lusaka– 205,292 Valid votes.

Wangamati 128,238 valid votes

The above results are Minus those for:

Mt. Elgon Constituency with 178 polling stations with unverified votes are :

Total left is 178 Polling Stations.


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