KRCS Elections Notice

28th January 2022
Our Ref: G14/1/1/AG
Dear Chairman/ Chairlady,
Happy New Year and I trust you are well.
In preparation for the upcoming Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) County Branch, Regional and National Elections, it is imperative that all systems and procedures are put in place to ensure a smooth electoral process. The elections shall be conducted in accordance with the constitution and elections rules and regulations.
Please take note of the following:
  1. Election Dates: – As is the norm, elections will take place during Annual General Meetings (AGMs). This also applies to Youth Committee elections at all levels. The Elections Committee has streamlined election dates for efficiency. In this regard, the schedule for elections is as follows:
      • All Elections for the County Branches will take place on Saturday 23rd April 2022.
      • All elections for the Regions will take place on Saturday 21 st May 2022
      • National elections will be held on Thursday 23rd June 2022.
For efficiency, elections at all levels shall be conducted between 12pm and 4 pm.
  1. Applications: – The deadline for the submission of applications/nominations forms for all elected positions shall be at least two months in advance of the respective election date. Applications can be sent to the elections committee through the branches, regions or electronically to A final list of nominees shall be signed, approved and circulated by the Elections Committee one month before the election date.
In this regard, Kindly take note of the following dates: –
  1. At the County Level the applications/nominations forms shall be submitted before 28th of February 2022. The list of county nominees signed, approved and circulated before 31st of March 2022.
  2. At the Regional Level the applications/nominations forms shall be submitted before 31 st of March 2022. The list of Regional nominees signed, approved and circulated before 30th of April 2022.
  3. At the National Level the applications/nominations forms shall be submitted before 30th of April 2022. The list of National nominees signed, approved and circulated before 31 st of May 2022.
All county branches and regions must display the respective list of nominees on the dates indicated above. The prescribed form for nomination forms for the respective elective positions is attached.
  1. Election Grievances
An aggrieved person must lodge their grievance to the Elections Grievances Committee within 7 days from the date of the election.
  1. Certificate of Good Conduct
All Applicants are requested to ensure that they apply and submit a copy of the Certificate of Good Conduct together with their nomination papers.
  1. Relinquishing of Lower Posts:
Any candidate who acquires a post at a higher level will be required to relinquish the lower post. Any vacancy created by this process will be filled in accordance with the KRCS constitution.
  1. Interim Committees at all Levels:
All Interim Committees (if any) at Branch and Regional Level should note that their terms will expire with the new elections and should therefore ensure that they plan for elections as expected of all Committees at Branch and Regional levels.
  1. Voting:
Voting shall be by secret ballot. Please note that to be eligible to vote, you must have been a member of the National Society for no less than one year and that your name is in the voter register. Ensure that you have confirmed your name in the register.
  1. General Elections
Members of governance who wish to contest in the 2022 general elections must resign from their positions by 9th February 2022.
  1. Staff are not allowed to vote in KRCS elections.
Kindly ensure that you read all sections of this planning guidelines. Management will ensure they are shared with members through the recognized channels of communication. Kindly ensure that the aspirants’ applications are sent within the required time frame.
Should you need further information, kindly contact the undersigned through the email:
Thank you for your continued support.
Download notice here: KRCS Election planning guidelines 2022
Yours sincerely,
Ann Nderu
KRCS Elections Committee Chairperson


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