Members, Patrons, Partners and Friends of #iKUWEiKUWE Movement
I hope this finds you well
2021 has been quite a unique year for me and the movement at large for it’s been with major gains and setbacks worth talking about as we come to a close.
🔹 In 2021 Our Main of the three pillars INFORMATION did magically transform iKUWEiKUWE into one of the most trusted OVERSIGHT channels. Sharing of information has been our greatest weapon to success since we only shared crucial and credible info with the public, info that put us to the map. Our main victim being the County govt. of Bungoma… With that in mind, it was such a great moment for iKUWEiKUWE to watch Bungoma Governor Wycliffe Wangamati appreciate the oversight role iKUWEiKUWE plays in our society. It’s not been an easy achievement though:
- iKUWEiKUWE members and more so myself have’ve been threatened with possible attacks, online insults, goonish activities that at times involves use of govt apparatus to silence us/me. Life threatening plans were made but none beats the one planned in the office the County Secretary way way after I had made an expose on plans to steal a county govt. vehicle KCH 040U in Feb 2020 while the other one remained (remains) missing. Some county employees (corridor employees included) planned to poison me at Railways Park hotel(former) using a waiter that would be promised heaven upon delivering positive results to the ToR. Unfortunate for them, coincidentally I had a rat well positioned amidst them just like they’ve been in the corridors of power. I got wind of those plans and took necessary precautions turning down unqualified meal offers as well as avoiding the eatery for sometime. The good thing is thru iKUWEiKUWE expose, I managed to save the vehicle and its now being used by the very office that unsuccessfully planned my death with a wife to the County Secretary who is an unauthorized passenger (by the way) being one of the users at times driving herself.
Interference with my court cases some of which have ended with my opponents (county govt operatives) win in unclear circumstances
Fabricated court cases that involved corrupt police officers who cooked/forged evidence just to silence me.
🔹 In 2021 this Movement thru a duly convened meeting appointed Patrons from a lineup of eminent, dedicated and deserving persons within.
The enlargement of the Movement’s leadership has greatly assisted in decision making inline with our key pillars:
🔹 In 2021 We lost Storm D’WarChild, one of our Key members as some members lost their loved ones… Rose lost her Father, Martin Khaemba lost his Daughter, Phillip Wanjala lost his Father, Alobo’s lost their father, I #eDDUHSimiyu lost my mum and most recently Eric Njalale lost his father just but to name a few
I wish to therefore thank the movement and its friends for offering a shoulder to the bereaved members. Your condolence messages and/or financial support have always been timely and comforting… ASANTENI SANA!
May our departed loved ones RIP
Mama Florence Khasoa Simiyu’s Kumbukumbu will be held on 30-12-2021 @Ranje home
🔷 In 2021:
▪️Whereas ikuweikuwe.com Website made tremendous growth amid a few hacking hitches, it did well generally and am proud of the readership it has attracted over time… ASANTENI SANA🙏🏾
▪️ I deliberately reduced WhatsApp updates/engagements coz I needed my followers to trace me on ikuweikuwe pages/channels/groups … This is gradually being achieved
▪️LIVESTREAMS: *ikuweikuwe updates* followers must have realized that my publications on the website have gone down due to increase in livestreams… Both tasks are time consuming and draining…. Am therefore in the process of acquiring a state-of-the-art equipment for livestreams and an office… We are also going to recruit staff to expand our reach.
▪️ The unfortunate move by Facebook to disable my accounts and therefore *ikuweikuwe updates* Facebook pages (twice) was such a big blow that forced me to start building from scratch (twice)… Am glad our viewers and readers did not give up on us… *ASANTE SANA SONKO!* 🙏🏾
Those who haven’t LIKED our current *ikuweikuwe updates* Facebook page pls do so here: https://www.facebook.com/Ikuweikuwe-Updates-110737141369436/
🔹 In 2021 our YouTube channel *#iKUWEiKUWE Online TV* gained sizeable subscriptions but not enough to enable us livestream… Am therefore saying ASANTE SANA 🙏🏾 to those who subscribed as I encourage others to do so via this link: https://youtube.com/user/edduhsimiyu
🔹 In 2021 We bagged crucial partners with whom we have a pact to support each other in good and bad times… With our main role being supporting their entities thru purchases, patronage and marketing of products. Most of these partners might not have come thru strongly at one time or the other due to lack of programmes worthy their input. Our inability to hold “worthy” events has been hugely occasioned by the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic
🔹 In March 2021 Steve-Sonko donated 70,000/= towards the purchase of a camera to improve iKUWEiKUWE LIVESTREAMS. Others who supported include Eric Khamala 5k, John Maina 2k… The camera costs 160k +vat… *ASANTENI SANA!* 🙏🏾
🔹 In April 2021, Steve-Sonko sponsored 10 needy iKUWEiKUWE Movement members to a driving course at Budget driving school – Bungoma… *ASANTE SANA SONKO!* 🙏🏾
🔹 In August 2021, Emmanuel Wafula was lucky to land a Steve-Sonko education scholarship with his form one fees fully paid at St. Veronica Ranje High School. Emmanuel had failed to join due to financial constraints… *ASANTE SANA SONKO!* 🙏🏾
🔹 In 2021 iKUWEiKUWE received a call-up to join the team of an aspiring candidate Mr. Zachariah Barasa. My ToR here was to publicize and market him
In 4th Nov and 14th Dec 2021, ikuweikuwe LIVE was contracted to livestream FORD KENYA and DEMOCRATIC ACTION PARTY of KENYA National Delegates Conventions respectively both at Bomas of Kenya Nairobi… iKUWEiKUWE LIVE also covered three major Dr. Mukhisa Kituyi’s functions; Homecoming at Tongaren, Public lecture at Kibabii University and Installation a Bukusu Elder
I therefore take this opportunity to thank God for the opportunities and challenges alike as I look forward for better things in 2022. I thank all members and partners for choosing to be part of the various courses and wish to encourage them to continue supporting the Movement at large especially on our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes.
I wish to inform members and partners that our Mashinani reps will be having an online meeting anytime in January 2022 in preparation for a major physical meeting scheduled for 16 April 2022 to chat a way forward.
Preparations are underway for this end-year bash scheduled for 28-12-2021 @430 resort – Mabanga. For more info, contact our CS Welfare Mr. Edger Kisala +254741211700
*Happy Holidays… GOD BLESS YOU!! Wacha 2022 iKUWEiKUWE* 💪
- #eDDUHSimiyu
- #iKUWEiKUWE Leader
- Cell; +254721956027