Governor Wangamati exposes his CECM for Gender and Sports, fails to reprimand her

Bungoma Governor Wycliffe Wangamati hosts County KICOSCA 2021 teams

Bungoma governor Wycliffe Wangamati in his pre-election pledge agenda No. 1 insinuated that he’d declare total war on corruption and misuse of public funds. On the contrary the 039 CEO has done almost nothing notable in dealing with corrupt officials as displayed at the end-year party held at his Ndengelwa residence in appreciation of the County Staff who represented the County in this year’s in Kenya Inter Counties Sports and Cultural Associations (KICOSCA) tournament held in Embu County.

This year’s KICOSCA games were held in Embu County from Sunday, 14 Nov. 2021 to Saturday, 20 Nov. 2021 with Bungoma entrusting 335 sportspersons with its County flag. The sportspersons who represented the County in the 7-day tournament were paid Kshs. 10,000 each being part of the allowances (3,200 per day) as they left the county with a promise to settle the difference before the three days were over.

The CECM for Gender, Culture, Youth and Sports Mrs. Everlyne Kakai did not live to her promise on paying of the remaining allowances exposing the staff to very difficult conditions 498kms away from home with some sleeping in buses due to financial constraints. The sportsmen and women did not forget their ToR despite the expected inhuman behaviors of their bosses since this has been the norm through all the games the county has ever participated in since devolution started… The teams managed to perform as follows;

  • Volleyball – Ladies    No. 2
  • Netball – ladies        No. 3
  • All dances               No. 1
  • Pool                       No. 1
Bungoma County dancers perform at KICOSCA 2021 held in Embu

Upon return back home the CECM for Gender started beating around the bush with all sorts of stories/excuses over the delayed payment. She is said to have at one point laid blame on the County CEO for giving instructions that their payment (balance) be instead used to facilitate the disabilities completion that was oncoming then. The demoralized staff did not have anyone else to turn to but would be heard encouraging themselves that; after all the regime has only a few months to go home, pave way to a new one… undertones that became louder to reach the man on the hill who decided to step in and save face.

On 20th Dec 2021 Bungoma governor Wycliffe Wangamati hosted KICOSCA team where he took the opportunity for the first time since taking office to play and eat with them in a bid to have a personal touch while listening to their various grievances. He also donated Kshs. 900 to each of the visibly delighted staff as Christmas on top of paying them part of their remaining KICOSCA dues. Disgruntled staff claim they still are owed one day’s-pay by the County.

The staff took advantage of the rare function to air their grievances as follows;

  • Promotions
  • Casuals / Probations / Confirmations

The county boss indirectly took a swipe at Gender CEC and his departmental heads by telling the staff that he gave no instructions to divert their dues saying he would never do anything like that. This was widely seen by the staff present as “Kujitoa kwa ngori” while throwing his CEC under the bus by portraying her as a liar. He nevertheless congratulated the Agriculture, Health and Trade ministries for effecting promotions.


Governor Wangamati dances with KICOSCA dancers at the end-year party

 County robs 2019 dancers;

A dance team which participated and won in the 2019 KICOSCA Kericho games with zero facilitation from the County still demands for allowances for the 30-member team that traveled using own funds and has not been reimbursed to date as promised by the Sports and gender CEC. They claim the CECM was happy to parade them then claiming the trophy they (dancers) had earlier refused to hand over but were duped by the CEC into doing so pending processing of their pay but instead have ever since been threatened and at times chased from the CECs presence whenever they raised the issue.

This issue was raised at the end-year party but no one dared react to it, not even the CECM

Wangamati promised to facilitate 3 teams that performed well at KICOSCA and have therefore been selected to represent Kenya at East Africa games earlier scheduled to take place in Eldoret on 16th Dec 2021 but were postponed to January 2022.

Wangamati concluded by asking his staff to support his re-election.

The end-year party was attended by among others; Deputy Governor Ngome, MCA Joram, 5 Ministers, 4 Chief Officers


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