PART 2: TRADE & INDUSTRIALIZATIONThe first and second Governor’s of Bungoma County, both failed in so far as economic liberation of our people and are guilty of diminishing productivity, spiraling poverty and industrial losses; this are obvious truths that require no justification or proof, but we’ll delve into the status of their respective pledges to shed more light on this pre-determined facts.——————————————————————–Governor Ken Lusaka Pledges 2013 – 2017
- • The first Governor of Bungoma County, Ken Lusaka, in his first Integrated development plan 2013-2017, pledged to boost employment opportunities among the youth by impacting entrepreneurship skills, provision of trading spaces for small and medium enterprises and set-up a Kes.20million budget to rationalise the prostitution trade in Bungoma County.
- Undertake County resource mapping, formulate County industrial policy and master plan and construct jua kali sheds in all the 45 wards.
• Governor Lusaka, who’s serving as the Speaker of the Senate, under the callous Jubilee government, equally pledged to develop atleast five(5) small and medium enterprise parks(SME Parks) in wards and specialized industrial parks in major urban Centers across Bungoma County.
• In his development plan 2013-2017, he was to formulate policies on credit access for youth and women entrepreneurs, set-up ward loan schemes to improve access to credit and disburse loans to atleast 200 traders per year.• Establishment of Business information Centres (BIC’s) in all Sub-Counties to provide SME’s with linkages to public private partnership investments.• Recruit and provide budgetary allocations for sub-county industrial development officers(SCIDO’s) to train atleast 500 traders countywide on sound Business management per year.• Set-up of Mbakalu sunflower cottage industry to process sunflower oil and sunflower cake for production of animal feeds(all machinery was installed by KIRDI and MESP).• Establishment of Lungayi animal feed cottage industry in Bungoma north for production of animal feeds(Building was complete, County still sourcing for machinery).• Development of soy beans value chains and Malakisi Soy beans factory for processing and sales of soy beans flour.• Construction of a tomato factory in Kimilili sub-county for manufacturing of tomato paste and sauces for local and export markets(stalled project).• Construction of the Chwele Poultry slaughter house for processing of capons for local and export markets,(Dormant factory, later leased to a private investor by Governor Wangamati).• Conduct feasibility study for Lower Nzioa mini-hydro power project in Bumula Sub County, for planned generation of 10MW of electricity for industrial development.

Governor Wangamati Pledges 2017 – 2022• To create wealth and employment opportunities for our people, Governor Wangamati pledged to establish an industrial park in Webuye town by 2022.
- Bungoma County is dominated by approximately 10,000 small and medium enterprises, Governor Wangamati pledged to improve the Business environment and formalize informal Businesses to double their number to 20,000 by 2022.
• Governor Wangamati pledged to establish Small and Medium Enterprises parks(SME Parks) in every sub-county to serve as economic hubs for socio-economic transformation of enterprise at the grassroots.
• The County shall provide a supportive regulatory framework, affordable energy, access to credit facilities, workshops to common shared equipment to small and medium enterprises.• Provision of modern trading stalls to more than 350 market Centres across Bungoma County, cold storage facilities for fresh produce, solar lighting, parking space, waste management systems, warehousing and sanitation facilities.• Sustained farmers production of raw materials to enable Nzoia Sugar Company, Kitinda Dairies, Malakisi Tobacco leaf Centre, Musese and Chesikaki coffee factories operate optimally.• Revival of Malakisi ginnery to cater for cotton farming communities and improve their livelihoods.• Set aside 50 hectares adjacent to Kibabii University for the establishment of a science and technology park and science-based industries.
• Establish Green energy zones on 100-300 hectares, within special economic zones of Mt. Elgon and Tongaren to generate wind and solar energy.• Set-up logistics parks or cargo villages on 50 hectares to serve as transport hubs in Bungoma town, Webuye, Lwakhakha and ChepkubeThe young people of Bungoma must harness the power of the vote, by turning out in record numbers to register as voters and vote in 2022 to denounce incompetent leadership and chart a new path for their future and prosperity of our great County.
~ Noah Kakai, Champion of Entrepreneurial Governance ~