Bungoma Governor Wycliffe Wangamati prays at his Ndengelwa home
Bungoma Governor Wycliffe Wafula Wangamati has been invited by the Senate to answer to questions related to financial improprieties as quoted in a petition dated 3rd June 2019 by Moses Lukoye. This comes when the embattled governor seems to have turned to Godby hosting a series of religious meetings at his Ndengelwa home, a move that has been attributed to the scorching political temperatures the businessman is facing.
The meeting which will be done via zoom is scheduled to take place on Thursday, 29th July, 2021 at 11:30a.m as convened by the Senate Standing Committee on Devolution and Intergovernmental Relations
Moses Lukoye is scheduled to have his day at the Senate via zoom on Wednesday, 28 July 2021 to prosecute his petition.
Among the concerns raised in the petition include;
Gross violation of the Constitution and other laws, embezzlement of public funds, contravening the law and abuse of office by Governor Wycliffe Wangamati and his executive
The County assembly of Bungoma has failed to carry out oversight, representation and legislation roles
Lack of response to Petitions by Governor Wangamati and the County Assembly of Bungoma
Its not clear why the County Assembly of Bungoma having been adversely mentioned by Lukoye has not been invited
The Senate Standing Committee on Devolution and Intergovernmental Relations is established under standing order 218 (3) of the Senate Standing Orders and is mandated to, among others-
‘consider all matters relating to devolution, intergovernmental and inter-city relations, governance and management of county governments, cities towns and urban areas.’
At its sitting held on 21st July, 2021, the Committee deliberated on a Petition by Mr. Moses Lukoye on alleged corruption and violation of the Constitution and other laws by the County Government of Bungoma and resolved to invite you to apprise the Committee on the allegations made. A copy of the Petition is attached for your reference.
The purpose of this letter, therefore, is to invite you to a meeting of the Committee to be held on Thursday, 29th July, 2021 at 11.30 a.m. The meeting will be held on the Zoom online meeting platform and a secure link shall be shared with you ahead of the sitting.
We request that you submit any documentation ahead of the meeting, by email, on the address: csenate@parliament.go.ke and senatedevolution@gmail.com.
In Summary;
Conflicting documents
Rejoinder from CECM Finance
EACC summons land owner, Bungoma County Executives over 32.8M land for market space
The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission...
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