Kimilili MP suspends National, Tangatanga politics in favor of uniting local leaders


In Summary;

  • Press statement – English (Video)
  • Taarifa kwa vyombo vya habari – Kiswahili (Video);
  • State-of-the-art waiting lounge (video)
  • Downloadable; Press Statement
As you all know, I was elected into parliament in 2017 through the JUBILEE party ticket. A ticket that was not predominant with the Bungoma people at the time and we credit the efforts of the party because it managed to sponsor three other members of Parliament in Bungoma notably:
  1. Hon. John Waluke of Sirisia Constituency
  2. Hon. Fred Kapondi of  Mt Elgon Constituency
  3. Hon. Dan Wanyama of Webuye West Constituency
From the foregoing the party JUBILEE became a force to reckon with in a region that was predominantly seen to be an opposition ‘bedroom’.
Immediately after our election in 2017, the JUBILEE party which sponsored me to parliament began to have internal squabbles which at the time we all ignored and perhaps we presumed to be minor issues. It has now turned out and the writings on the wall show a split of the party into two factions notably; the so called the ‘KIELEWEKE’ wing and the ‘TANGATANGA’ wing with both
 factions affiliated to the Party leader and Deputy Party leader of the JUBILEE party respectively.
Presser (video);
AS you will all note, I have and still am affiliated to the ‘TANGATANGA’ wing of the party which has now transformed itself to the ‘HUSTLER NATION’ 
As the Jubilee party faces its share of squabbles, other political affiliations in the country have also had their share and are going through their transformations and realignments ahead of the next general election scheduled to be conducted in 2022. For example, the original NASA has now split to the various parties that existed before their merger in 2017. We are seeing new political realignments such as the so called ‘Cerelac babies’ amongst others. Closer home, the FORD KENYA party has seen their leader Hon. Moses Wetangula take on the new fights from factions led by Hon. Wamunyinyi and now the Bungoma Governor Hon. Wangamati.
Another political entrant is Hon. Mukhisa Kituyi who hails from Bungoma and is yet to announce his political affiliation but has already shown interest in running for the house on the hill. Though political pundits feel his entry will be insignificant.
Taarifa kwa vyombo vya habari (video);
In total
So far Bungoma has at least four major political affiliations that are all fighting to woo the Bungoma people. These affiliations are amongst others the Hustler Nation where I belong; the Ford Kenya Wing led by Hon. Wetangula; The other Ford Kenya wing under Hons Wangamati/Wamunyinyi axis and the Hon. Mukhisa Kituyi axis.
You will note that all these political realignments are happening because leaders are positioning themselves for political space ahead of the 2022 elections.
As a leader from Bungoma and being a participant on one of the factions, I have come to the realization that the Bungoma people stand to lose out in the high political stakes table as the national cake is being shared nationally our numbers notwithstanding, because we will be busy fighting for small chips under the table while the rest of the country are seated at the high table sharing the national cake.
Secondly as a country and the world at large the effects of COVID 19 have been grave. It has ravaged the very core of our societal fabric and many say that God is resetting the world. The third wave of the Pandemic which we are witnessing now has seen many prominent leaders as well as many people from our villages lose their lives and there has been a call for reduction of political activities. This call by our President and other leaders is to help check the spread of the pandemic. 
Therefore, as we heed the call by our President to reduce on our political activities, hence check the spread of the COVID 19 pandemic, I also take this time to reflect on my political journey, bring everybody onboard ahead of take off. As a people of Kimilili, Bungoma, and by extension the Mulembe nation, we have to rightfully claim our seat at the high table to make our numbers meaningful.
State-of-the-art waiting lounge: 
To this end, I intend to take a four-month sabbatical leave from the high stakes political activities including those of my tangatanga movement to do the  N following: –
  1. Carry out an audit on my development agenda for the people of Kimilili in line with what I promised them during campaigns, identify and address any gaps in readiness for campaigns ahead of the next general election. While doing so, I take pride that I have been able not limited to; replacement of 18 mud-walled schools with modern classrooms, put up ten 8 classrooms storied buildings, replace all grass-thatched houses with iron sheets, free ambulance services, build dispensaries from own resources, amongst others. 
  2. Engage in two way consultations with my people (the electorate), the various leaders across the Mulembe nation and various political leaders nationally in order to realign my political ambition to the needs of the people of Kimilili for whom I represent, this will also entail envisaging the political interest of my people within the movement that I belong being “hustlers nation. “
  3. Appreciating that the Mulembe nation has been unable to benefit from our numbers over the years because of our different interests as leaders each supporting various political factions, I have taken the initiative of appointing myself as an arbiter and together with other like-minded leaders from the region, try and reconcile all these factions in Bungoma with a view to having Bungoma speak in one voice and convince the rest of the Mulembe nation to align to one political path because, as they say, charity begins at home.
  4. I will be consulting with various stakeholders within the constituency in identifying our interests to the country and county in readiness for the General election more particularly on who is best placed to advance our interest as the constituency for various elective seats that includes President, Governor, Senator among others.
I will want, at this stage, to take this opportunity to encourage my colleagues and the other leaders from our region to also take cue and do some soul searching as well as agree to a sitting with a view to coming up with at least one formidable force to team up with the rest of Kenya in forming the next Government. In so doing and with the benefit of our numbers we shall be able to have a stake at the national cake especially if we cast our votes in one basket as Mulembe Nation. Our different ideologies and vision that often divide us can be amalgamated into one since we are all driven by the desire to better the economic wellbeing our people.
We hope that by the time the country readies itself to the next general election scheduled for 2022, we as the people and leadership from Bungoma and hopefully the larger Mulembe Nation will be talking in one voice so as to benefit from our numbers. We must all remember that politics is about interests and our numbers will help us have our way even as others have their say in this democratic space.

Downloadable; statement (pdf); PRESS STATEMENT – Didmus Barasa – Kimilili 21-03-2021