Bungoma Supermarket, Hospital, businesses closing shop in anticipation of Railways demolitions

Khetias Supermarket trucks currently loading products from its Centre branch

Today morning 1st Feb 2021 as the Chairman, I led a delegation of Railways Park Tenants to Bungoma County commissioner’s office with a view of getting info on the pending demolitions by Kenya Railways (KR). The commissioner Mr. Samuel Kimiti informed us of the Naivasha meeting convened to discuss KR reserve land prior to the ongoing demolitions in which all participants were informed that there exist no sacred cows… The candid Commissioner summarized his 45-minute meeting by saying “…ALL THOSE SITTING ON RAILWAYS LAND MUST LEAVE, AND LEAVE NOW BEFORE WE ARRIVE TO DEMOLISH”

The demolitions witnessed in Nakuru, Eldoret and Kitale has traumatized and frightened Bungoma businesspersons operating on earmarked parcels of land some of which whose landlords indicate possession of leases… leases the commissioner informs stand revoked

What is encouraging is most businesspersons are willing to vacate from the KR land as some adopt a wait and see attitude

Khetias Supermarket – Centre branch has officially closed shop and is currently removing its products from Shariff’s Centre premises just in-time to avoid damages. This is after it became evident that Shariff’s Centre is one of the targeted structures

Khetias Supermarket trucks currently loading products from its Centre branch

DAWAMEDS Hospital has also started pulling down some of it’s structures

DAWAMEDS Hospital demolishing one of its earmarked structures

Other businesspersons have started removing their equipment from offices they rented along the reserve within Bungoma town

Am reliably informed Bumula will also be hardest hit by the pending demolitions… starting with a chief who is alleged to have built on the KR reserve to the Bungoma County govt dumpsite.

#iKUWEiKUWE Corner;

  • #iKUWEiKUWE offices will therefore relocate years after the County govt. unsuccessfully tried to have me kicked me out for criticizing the failed regime… I will communicate my next landing pad.
  • Am also informed that in some cases the region’s KR in-charge has the final say on how far the demolitions will go… BUT the same Mr. Mulati is alleged to say he is waiting for the very instructions from Nairobi


Chair –Railways Park


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