Luck strikes Chemwa village twice courtesy #iKUWEiKUWE Movement


In Summary;

  • Understanding #iKUWEiKUWE Movement
  • #iKUWEiKUWE Caravan
  • #iKUWEiKUWE, Kenya Red Cross CSR
  • Kenya Red Cross Health Talk
  • Photos
  • Videos

Monday, 28 December 2020 and Thursday, 31 December 2020 were days that fell within the Christmas and New Year holiday season, holidays that saw family and friends all over the World gather to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and later Ushering in a new year. #iKUWEiKUWE Movement in partnership with Kenya Red Cross Society, Khetias Supermarkets, Bungoma West Hospital, Steve Sonko, 430 Resort, New Adatia Wholesalers, Outlaws lounge, Gaspar Waffubwa and National govt (area Chief, Asst. chief and village Elders) chose to celebrate the 28th Day of December by sharing their love for humanity thru distribution of food and non-food stuffs to the needy and vulnerable in Bungoma County… The program was titled #iKUWEiKUWE Christmas Caravan. On this day #iKUWEiKUWE received a request from the same residents of West Nalondo ward of Kabuchai constituency to them in fighting to eradicate bedbugs



On 31st Dec 2020; #iKUWEiKUWE Movement in partnership with Kenya Red Cross Society, Dr. Amin Sheikh of Bungoma Chemist, Bungoma Agrovet and Elgon View Premier Hospital, Khetias Supermarkets, Steve Sonko, 430 Resort and National govt (Chief, Asst. chief and village Elders) again revisited Chemwa village armed with spray guns ready to battle with bedbugs. We sprayed 22 homes by end of day… a fraction of area affected but since we did not have enough resources we only did what we could.

Kenya Red Cross Health Talk;

What’s #iKUWEiKUWE?

#iKUWEiKUWE Movement is pleased to introduce itself as a fully-fledged online advertising and advocacy platform that focuses on sharing INFORMATION through social media platforms with a keen eye on ACCOUNTABILITY and TRANSPARENCY in our society. Since its inception two years ago, #iKUWEiKUWE Movement has acted as The People’s most trusted watchdog both in Public/Private sector as guided by our key pillars; Accountability, Transparency, Information …NO POLITICAL BOUNDARIES

#iKUWEiKUWE Updates brags of a fast growing membership/readers within two years thanks to our various platforms and activities;


  1. iKUWEiKUWE Movement Facebook and Pages – 10,000 plus members
  2. iKUWEiKUWE Movement Telegram pages (2)    – 400 members
  3. iKUWEiKUWE Movement WhatsApp group      – 256 members
  4. iKUWEiKUWE Movement Twitter handle
  5. website – 116,000 hits and counting within less than 2 first months of its inception

The above numbers are backed up by an aggressive online Sales and Marketing team that is strategically placed to ensure our content is shared far and wide; over 200 WhatsApp groups (70,000 readers), Over 50 Facebook groups with a membership ranging from about 5k to 2million per group with membership spread all over the world… And yes our advocacy articles/posts are the STAR ATTRACTION(s) to those numbers that visit our platforms.


 Other Projects we have successfully executed include;

  1. Dec 2018; #iKUWEiKUWE Movement empowered Micah Wanyenye a fast growing youthful artist by raising over Kshs. 200,000/= to buy musical equipment
  2. Dec 2019;
    1. We conducted a BLOOD DONATION DRIVE in partnership with Kenya National Blood Transfusion Services (KNBTS) and Bungoma County govt. simultaneously at KMTC Grounds, Town (Bus Park) and Tesia Supermarket (Kanduyi) where we netted 43, 51 and 20 pints respectively (as recorded by KNBTS)
  • The blood harvested during that occasion gave a lease of life to many patients’ in Bungoma County and beyond.
    1. Visited and Shared love with Musikoma Children’s home where we delivered food and non-food stuffs
  1. Thru the goodwill of the Movement and its leader #eDDUHSimiyu’s network, 18 men and women (mostly youths) have been employed by the Movement’s associates / Partners / Sponsors is a reliable INFORMATION CENTRE for the entire region

Unsurpassed Quality and Service is not merely a marketing slogan… It is our promise and guarantee for total customer satisfaction. The foundation of is built upon customer service. We take all necessary steps and precautions to ensure that our customers are treated with the highest level of professionalism and courtesy. Our goal, ‘to shine brightly over the competition’, is a direct reflection upon our clients. We shine when we enhance your image, provide efficient service and effectively boost your profitability. You will achieve your profitability goals if and when we offer you a compelling reason to work with us.

Photos – 28th Dec 2020… #iKUWEiKUWE Christmas Caravan;

Steve Sonko ~ iKUWEiKUWE partner



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