In Summary;
- MCAs concerns/demands (video)
- Didmus Barasa’s rejoinder (audio)
Ford Kenya MCAs issue a notice to DP Ruto over Kabuchai by-election
“Who between Majimbo and Kakai is a hustler?”
~ Hon. Barasa Mukhongo ~
Following the unveiling of Evans Kakai as the UNITED DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE by DP Ruto’s allies led by Kimilili MP ~ Hon Didmus Barasa and his Sirisia counterpart ~ Hon. John Waluke, Bungoma senator Moses Wetangula’s foot soldiers have come out guns blazing as they point accusing fingures at Didmus and Waluke for misleading the DP to field a candidate instead of supporting one fronted by Wetangula in yet the most clearest indication that they had resolved to support Ruto for Presidency but are rethinking as advised by this new development

Kabuchai/Chwele MCA and Ford Kenya Kabuchai chair Hon. Barasa Mukhongo brought to light what seems to be a decision made earlier prior to Hon. Mukwe’s death saying; “We had agreed to work together come 2022 but unfortunately we lost one of our leaders but you (Didmus and Waluke) have decided to sponsor a candidate against Wetangula’s choice” He asked the DP to think thru the choice of candidate in relation to his “hustler” narrative.
MCAs presser (video);
Kimaeti MCA Jack Wambulwa summarized the presser by saying… “We support Ford Kenya’s Majimbo Kalasinga in Kabuchai Constituency and ANC’s Tito Nabulindo in Matungu Constituency”

In a rejoinder;
Kimilili MP Didmus Barasa advised the MCAs to consider talking to him instead of issuing threats as he recounted how he was instrumental in organizing a meeting attended by among others Kabuchai MCA Hon. Barasa Mukhongo that gave birth to MMI an initiative that had a great development agenda. “I am not a ForD Kenya or NASA coalition member to be in such arrangements with them… Lets meet in Kabuchai as I drum up support for Kakai” said the legislator
Downloadable Audio;
Didmus Barasa reacts to FK MCAs – Audio 2021-01-07 at 21.37.09