Lusaka to face Wangamati in 2022 ~ Wetangula declares at arguably the most violent burial in the recent past


_*In Summary:*_

▪️Weta’s declaration (audio)
▪️Lusaka’s speech (audio)
▪️Other leaders (audios)
▪️Chaos at Burial (video)
▪️MCAs, CEC lead an attack on visiting MCA
▪️Weta’s Security detail cocks pistol to save MCA, CEC runs light Bolt


Majimbo Kalasinga encouraged Wetangula and Lusaka to work together towards 2022

Simiyu Mutaki preached peace (what an irony; He later with others attacked a visiting MCA)

Stephen Makhanu _ Chief Officer trade and industrialization

Augustine Luketelo; Reminded mourners of the Mayi Jane Wachiye’s political membership in KANU as he encouraged parents to take advantage of the existing Technical Institutes present to have their kids ta

Rebecca Masibayi asked parents to take care of girls as they await school opening as she announced her interest in Woman Reps position 2022

Hon. Jack Wambulwa; The area MCA informed mourners of how caring the Late Jane Wachiye before switching to declare Weta’s steady leadership in Ford Kenya

Hon. George Makari; He announced that come 2022 they have lined up a Wetangula-Lusaka partnership to dethrone Wangamati saying Wetangula and Lusaka left the county in the hands of two thieves; Governor Wangamati and his deputy Prof. Charles Ngome

Chaos erupted at this point as goons hired by County govt demanded that Hon. Makari withdraws and apologise for calling Wangamati a thief. Then Wetangula and Lusaka’s supports thwarted that attempt to manhandle the Musikoma MCA… the speeches were put on hold for a couple minutes as supporters sized each other… The family and the church then opted to proceed to the grave as speeches resumed.

Hon. Chris Wamalwa; Insisted that Wetangula is the defacto leader of the party and Wamunyinyi cannot fit in those shoes telling DG Ngome that come 2022 the DG’s seat will be for a woman

Hon. Mwambu Mabonga; The area MP condemned those leaders insulting others saying one can sell own manifesto without insults. The Bumula legislator pledged his support for BBI after they added two more constituencies from the initial one to make three.

Deputy Governor Charles Kibanani Ngome; The DG who was also representing the governor informed mourners that the BBI signature targets by end of today Monday, November 30, 2020 as as follows; Bumula – 15,000, Tongaren – 16,000, Kanduyi – 22,000. He encouraged residents to go sign in support.

  • On politics he pointed an accusing finger at Senator Wetangula saying he is the one who led them into decampaigning and therefore dethroning Senate Speaker Lusaka (former governor) and therefore its baffling for him to see the Weta turn around and front the very Lusaka against the very team he helped put in office
  • The DG reminded mourners how Lusaka procured office space valued at 100million but paid 116 million annually for 5 years paid upfront
  • He DG concluded by saying the regions problem is Wetangula before chanting… WANGAMATI FIRE x4… He said Wetangula is the problem before shouting “ASHINDWE KABISA! ASHINDWE!…

At this point chaos ensued again as chants of WETA! WETA! WETA! Rant the air as the DG was forced to cut short his speech

BBI will not resurrect failed political carrier

Senator Moses Wetangula who is a nephew to the late played down the DG’s disrespect asking mourners to forgive his ignorance of the political wave saying his walking with Lusaka is indicative of what to expect in the run to 2022 elections. He informed mourners that the senate had voted out 11 motions on revenue allocation stalemate 600million to 1,790,000

  • He reckoned that offer bringing down 213million for covid-19 he was surprised that the county has been unable to give its residents facemasks
  • He distanced himself from contesting for governor
  • He then led mourners in WANGAMATI TAWE slogan as he mentioned all the 9 constituencies while the public assisted him in finishing the statement with WANGAMATI TAWE
  • He announced that BBI is not perfect but he knows does that they should knock to effect any changes they want like additional constituencies
  • He warned those using BBI campaigns as an avenue to get re-elected saying BBI will not resurrect failed political carriers. BBI is for all Kenyans and therefore Western region must never be left behind
  • He asked the youths to guard their leaders jealously since they are the last line of defense
  • Wetangula assured his supporters that CHAMA IKO IMARA KAMA SIMBA
  • He reminded voters on the failed Wangamati pledges;
    • Mama mboga and bodaboda not to pay taxes
    • Revival of Malakisi tobacco factory
    • Revival of Kitinda dairy
    • Tongaren flour miller
    • Repossession of PanPaper in 100 days
    • Kimaeti motorcycle assembly point
    • Industrial park
    • Cassava plant
  • Saying Resources follow functions he asked those leading the BBI campaigns to look at what functions will be devolved alongside increment of county allocations
  • He said Lusaka is the incoming governor


Senate Speaker Ken Lusaka asked leaders to work together for maximum achievements saying after being dethroned by Wangamati he was elected Senate Speaker only to discover that Weta’s office was right opposite his own. He proceeded to say “God must have had a good reason for that”

Lusaka heaped praise on Wetangula saying he is among the top five senators who drive the agenda of the Senate, others include Murkomen, Orengo, Cherergei

Bungoma County mourners FOR-HIRE leave Mama JANE WACHIYEs funeral immediately after DG Ngome was forced to cut short his speech

CECM Makanda runs for his life after attack, Weta’s bodyguard saves County vehicle from being burnt;

Immediately after the end of speeches a group of hire goons led by Bungoma County CECM Agriculture Makanda Mukisu, Siboti MCA Hon. Wamusai, Bukembe MCA Hon. Joram and Director Logistics Simiyu Mutaki who were irritated by Hon Makari George’s speeches waylaid him at Siombe market only for their plans to be thwarted by Hon. Mwambu who was walking on foot with his supporters. They were forced to remove their vehicles on the road to allow vehicles pass a move that gave Hon. Chris Wamalwa an opportunity to pass followed by a TransNzoia MCA. The thugs were not done, they then gave the Kiminini MP a car-chase upto Kimaeti market where the MP drove into someone’s home as his chase car belonging to TransNzoia MCA Hon. Kapoloman blocked the attackers who were using Bungoma County communication car, CEC Agriculture’s official car (double cab) and others vehicles. The angry attackers then rained on the MCA, his driver and Cameraman with kicks, blows, clubs (rungus) tearing tearing their clothes and destroying the vehicle. The Kiminini MP was then long gone.

Senator Moses Wetangula then arrived when the attack was in progress and alighted from his car as his bodyguard cocked his gun… WANGAMATI’S GOONS led by Chirasha took off running with with Weta’s boys hot on his heels but they could not matck Makanda aka Usain-Bolt who jumped into a moving communications vehicle leaving bahind his official vehicle (a double cab). Weta’s bodyguard had to shield the county vehicle which had afew occupants to prevent it from being burnt by angry Weta’s supporters before ensuring its safe exit from the scene

MCA Kapoloman has reported the incident at Bungoma Police

#iKUWEiKUWE Corner;

  • It’s sad to note that the county govt. can ferry youths as far as from Misikhu to go cause havoc at mama Maendeleo’s funeral, even worse a whole CECM and MCAs leading an assault on a visiting leader who said nothing harmful at the burial… MAY JUSTICE BE SERVED!
  • Simiyu Mutaki has been a common denominator in ALL violent mentions involving Bungoma County Executive goons… We wait for the day favors will be returned in doubles…
  • #iKUWEiKUWE rat has learnt that Wangamati’s goons are planning attack the Musikoma MCA, Hon. Makari George over the statement he said at mama Maendaleo’s burial


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