Soysambu MCA donates 31 motorbikes amid resistance from his political seniors

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In Summary;

  • 31 bikes donated
  • OCPD’s (presidential) orders
  • Alleged opponents to the donation

Mitua/Soysambu was treated to a rare event on Saturday, 14th Nov 2020, a day the area MCA and Deputy Speaker to the County Assembly was scheduled to donate 61 motorbikes to carefully selected lucky winners.

The MCA had made necessary plans to make sure the day was successful but was shocked to receive a text message from Bungoma North OCPD, Mr Stephen Mwoni at about 0943 hours ordering the MCA to cancel the event. The message read… “Please cancel that event due to the covid-19 containment measures. No political gatherings will be allowed as they were banned according to the presidential directive. So kindly keep off and explain to all stakeholders…. We shall enforce the presidential directives STRICTLY”

The MCA who was then in Eldoret with a group of riders ready to collect motorbikes from the showroom and have them ride straight to the venue for handover wondered why other events were allowed to take place including Waluke’s homecoming, Burials, Wamunyinyi’s Bus handover to two schools as well as Hon. Didmus Barasa’s event etc. He tried to explain to the security agent that he doesn’t have space to store the bikes and that’s why he must be allowed to hand them over as planned but the OCPD was adamant that it will not happen under his watch.

At this point #iKUWEiKUWE Updates rat at Lower Soysambu Market grounds which was the venue for the event, shared images of a Police land cruiser patrolling. It was there to enforce the OCPDs orders not to allow anyone access the grounds.

Fearing the worst of there was a confrontation with the Police the MCA informed Bodas of the new development, one they dint take lightly as they told Mheshimiwa today is our day and we will not allow anyone to stand in our way. They encouraged mhesh to stick to the plan as they send emissaries to the ODCPs office prior to their arrival for the event… That’s when it allegations started flying around that the area MP Hon. David Eseli and Bungoma governor Wycliffe Wangamati were uncomfortable with the rising popularity of Hon. Wafula thru his unequaled developmental agenda. They wanted him distracted and therefore frustrated into abandoning the empowerment program but the Bodas vowed to tackle anyone who dared stop them.

By the time the MCA left Eldoret for Tongaren, only 31 bikes had been assembled, the team feeling frustrated and impatient opted to collect the ready pcs with a view of collecting the rest at a later date. Off they left to Mitua/Soysambu minus 30 bikes…  Police who were manning the field were outnumbered and therefore had to give in

While receiving the bikes, The Bodaboda leadership thanked the MCA heaping praise to his CSR programme as they swore allegiance to him terming him as the kinda leader they want. They warned anyone who wants to stand in the way of development that they will deal with them decisively

The rest of the story can be captured in the video clips including the MCAs tough warning to those fighting his development agenda.



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