VIDEO; Squeezed and suffocating Covid-19 patient pleads for help
Following an #iKUWEiKUWE update that equaled Webuye Isolation ward to Hell in a Cell, a patient has reached out to us pleading to be helped get out Covid bondage… Below are two videos;
- Patient’s appeal [VIDEO]
- Inside the congested Isolation ward [VIDEO]
NOTE; This particular patient has been in this ward from 16th Oct 2020 and has validly so been informed that he will only be released upon taking the second Covid-19 test being cleared and getting a medical clearance…. NO TESTING KITS AND REAGENTS ARE AVAILABLE THOUGH
- Patient’s appeal [VIDEO]
2. Inside the congested Isolation ward [VIDEO]
A pregnant mother was yesterday admitted to the isolation ward
#iKUWEiKUWE Corner;
The problems are 1. Congestion 2. Mixing Old and New cases 3. Sanity 4. Failure to take scheduled tests on time