A swipe at Bungoma, Wangamati’s ranking by infotrak




In Summary;

  • Comparison; Wangamati vs Lusaka’s projects
  • Download: Infotrak – County performance index

At such a time during his term, Lusaka was holding position 2, but was still voted out at the ballot in favor of Wangamati who was ‘sold’ to us as an actuary, a specialist in Mathematics and therefore would not waste and/or be cheated into losing any public funds… Shock on us, indeed he turns out to be a good Mathematician who opted to run the county like a personal kiosk with worrying disregard to the rule of law and laid down procedure.

Going through the infotrak’s report it reads:

Methodology; Data was collected through Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews (CATI) and analyzed using SPSShehehe it reminds me vifaranga vya compyuta but let’s give it a benefit of doubt…

By 2015, the then Bungoma County governor now Senate Speaker Ken Lusaka had re-carpeted/tarmacked the following roads (in Bungoma town only) using the equitable share;

  1. Moi Avenue
  2. Police/ACK – Nyota fm road
  3. Simba street
  4. Co-operative Bank – Oldrex road
  5. Tourist hotel – National oil road
  6. Kenya seed – KIE road
  7. Wamunyinyi plaza – Tete hotel road
  8. Cathedral road

All these WITHIN Bungoma town.

Since 2017, the current governor Wycliffe Wangamati has done ZERO tarmac roads in Bungoma town using equitable share, all roads have been funded by the World Bank whose MoU was signed between April and June 2017 during Lusaka’s regime.

NOTE: The pioneer County government spend almost two financial years setting up operational structures (transitional) unlike the current government.

With structures already in place by the time he got in office, Wangamati should have excelled and be ranked among the top three best performers (2nd term governors included) if indeed he’s a good manager, what he has perfected in is dismantling existing structures and embarking on setting up executive-tenderpreneur-cartel with an objective to fleece whatever is devolved as equitable share, conditional grants and development partners grants, crowning it with the now infamous “limotole mashinani initiative”

Downloadable; Infotrak – COUNTYTRAK PERFORMANCE INDEX GP OCT 2020 (1)


  1. There exist grave inconveniences caused as a result of the protruding drains which have blocked business premises, from Muteremko – Sawan Hotel. Anyone who cares can take a walk and see how the construction of the drainage has disrupted business.
  2. Pending certificates prepared in April / May 2020 totaling to KShs. 290 million which are supposed to be paid from the appropriated KShs. 350 million in this financial year 2020/21. Ksh300m had already been paid as at 30th June 2020. Certificates are paid upon inspection of the works, what this means is that the works so far undertaken from Musikoma junction to Kanduyi is costed at KShs. 590 million (paid certificates and pending certificates).


  1. Is the work undertaken commensurate with the above?
  2. Will the balance of 60 million service the remaining works till end of the financial year 2020/21?
  3. Can the Wangamati regime come out clear on the alternative funding of this white elephant project?
  4. Can the project manager and NEMA confirm whether the conditions set in the NEMA report are being complied with? If not what are the remedial measures?

FINALLY; if indeed infotrak survey conducted had its data collected from Bungoma residents then they must have asked the known EXECUTIVE-TENDERPRENEUR-CARTEL who are just a few (hawajai pickup) and mostly operate from Nairobi but have bagged 90% tenders including the World Bank projects (the only tarmacs done by Wangamati) and are therefore bragging that they’ll buy all votes come 2022… have they started exercising their financial muscle now???

The projects we see coming up in Bungoma County are grants from either World Bank, KOICA, EU, and NHIF…

What about managing Covid-19 funds???



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