Henry a Kimilili County hospital watchman who doubles as a grounds-man has today Wednesday, September 30, 2020 received his Covid-19 test results that turned out to be positive. The results have send panic in the entire institution especially after Henry slipped out unnoticed and went about his business in the institution before mounting his ‘komelela’ sports-bike for Kimilili town
Our #iKUWEiKUWE rat reports that about a week ago 2 health workers tested positive prompting the institution to do a ‘mass’ test on all the staff. The problem though is Kimilili Hospital is overwhelmed with its sole specialist only managing to do about 20 test a day. The hospital is yet to do contact-tracing of those who came in contact with the initial 2 health workers.
Rejoinder; Contacted the Chief Officer, Patrick Wandili urged the public to stay calm for this is not the first Covid-19 case to be reported at a health facility in Bungoma pointing out Webuye Hospital and Bungoma referral hospital as having been the first. He indicated that at Kimilili Hospital out of the 40 members of staff tested only two tested positive and the situation was handled accordingly. “KEMRI contributes immensely to the delays in testing and releasing of results and therefore before we get results we cannot release the tested for that will collapse service delivery. The hospital is currently being fumigated and our county rapid management team is working extra hours to contain the situation” concluded the former teacher

#iKUWEiKUWE take;
- The County government received 213.7 million to fight covid-19, how is it difficult to fuel an ambulance to transport a confirmed patient to his home where he/she would then be placed under HomeCare?? …just to ensure one doesn’t contact others along the way?
- It is alleged that Wangamati used Covid-19 funds to re-paint his office at a cost 9 million… really?
- It’s also alleged that Covid-19 funds were used to fly coup-plotters to Nairobi and back while some were used to induce a certain party leader into whipping his MCAs… aren’t our governor’s priorities upside down?
- The amount of money Wangamati is spending on PR and propagandaful rallies could be diverted here to save the whole county from a disaster-in-waiting