Governor Wycliffe Wangamati’s 3-year scorecard


In Summary

  • Governor Wangamati’s acceptance speech
  • Departmental Achievements
  • Departmental Failures/Challenges
  • Departmental ratings
  • Wangamati’s manifesto checklist
  • Summary of FY 2020/2021 budget

The County Govt. of Bungoma is planning to hold a 10-million worth 3rd anniversary celebration under the leadership of Governor Wycliffe Wangamati. An rat indicates that the event dubbed WANGA 3 will be held on 18th Sept 2020 at a yet to be identified location whose guest of honor will be Rt. Hon. Raila Amollo Odinga who is yet to confirm and will be deputized by CS Eugene Wamalwa and Kakamega governor Wycliffe Oparanya with the deputies having already confirmed.

Wangamati who was sworn in on 21st of August 2017 intends to use this ceremony to showcase his govt’s achievements

Wycliffe Wangamati is a career actuary with deep understanding in pension management and investment consultancy who garnered 197,651 votes against the incumbent, Kenneth Lusaka’s 176,034 votes. Wangamati previously sat on the board of Alexander Forbes East Africa’s businesses, vied for the Bungoma County gubernatorial seat on a Ford Kenya ticket also doubles as a shrewd businessman with his current main venture being Bonito Properties;

  • Bonito Properties was adversely mentioned mid November 2016 as one of the faceless companies that received payments from NYS.
  • Bonito was involved in a now infamous ‘lease’ agreement on Tourist Hotel with teacher which is turning out to have been a hoax. Bonito, whose leadership has since changed hands owes teachers close to 11 million in dividends as per the SECRETIVE agreement signed.
  • Another company associated with him was also involved in running down Nzoia Sugar pension scheme by influencing a tender award to Bonito (conflict of interest) to build substandard housing units at Muslim area- mjini, the (name of company) a Wangamati led venture was the sugar miller’s pensioner.
  • This trend has been perfected in the County govt…

Download here; Bungoma Governor Wycliffe Wangamati’s acceptance speech

Bungoma County Departments;

  1. Department of Health and Sanitation – CEC Antony Walela
  2. Department of Environment, Water & Tourism – CEC Renson Makheti Wanyonyi
  3. Department of Education & Vocational Training – CEC Betty Mayeku
  4. Department Trade – Naulikha
  5. Department of Roads, Transport, Infrastructure and Public Works – CEC Collins Mukhongo
  6. Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Irrigation, Fisheries & Co-op Dev – CEC Mathews Makanda
  7. Department of Public Administration and ICT – CEC Richard Sabwami
  8. Department of Gender, Youth, Culture & Sports – Everlynne Kakai
  9. Department Lands, Urban & Physical Planning – CEC Bramwel Murgor Serebemuom
  10. Department of Finance and Economic Planning – CEC Esther N. Wamalwa
  11. Office of the County Secretary – Joseph Wakoli Wambati


  1. Department of Health and Sanitation


  • Timely salary payment
  • Enhanced revenue collection in all the 10 hospitals i.e from 200m to 400 million at BCRH
  • Good progress on Promotions of health workers
  • Purchase of a dental chair at 4 million
  • Purchase of ambulances… among the beneficiaries is Kopsiro Health Centre
  • Slight improvement in provision of non-pharmaceutical products and drugs.
  • Good planning in training of specialists
  • Wangamati Mama Care health program – Launched on Monday, March 2, 2020
  • Enactment of Health bill… ring-fenced revenue collection
  • Employment of 197 health care workers (Medical officers, Nurses, Clinician… etc)
  • Good progress in Construction/Renovation of facilities;
    1. Bungoma County level 5 hospital (300 bed capacity) – funded by NHIF/County govt…
    2. Sirisia Sub County hospital (100 bed capacity) – funded by NHIF/County govt.
    3. Kimilili Male ward
    4. Renovations of other key facilities ongoing
  • Sirisia Sub County Hospital X-ray machine currently working


  • Underfunding
  • Hospitals still understaffed/overworked staff with burnouts
  • Lack of critical services e.g. CT Scan, MRI, Mammogram.
  • Lack of specialists like radiologists, oncologists, Paediatric Surgeons, Pathologists etc
  • Increase of user fees in hospitals with little stakeholders involvement
  • Most hospital boards and committees are political appointees with little experience in health to improve service delivery
  • Congestion… Patients sharing beds 2-4 in some instances
  • Covid-19 emergency number 800 721 122 is no longer operational even after the county spend money buying and publicizing it
  • The Department has only 22 ICU beds yet it was given money to purchase 300 beds.
  • Lack of blood transfusion center
  • The Department has been highly publicized in the media for impropriety, corruption and looting of Covid-19 funds under the instruction and/or watch of Governor Wycliffe Wafula Wangamati.
  • Illegal and irregular transfer and expenditure of KES 6,986,000/- from Bungoma County Referral Hospital (BCRH) and KES 5,000,000/- from Webuye Sub County Hospital.
  • The Department is yet to explain how the ICU beds donated by the first lady H.E. Margaret Kenyatta were poorly kept until they rusted yet there existed and still exists needy patients for such beds.
  • Failure to explain how Kshs. 213,000,000/- allocated by the National Treasury for the e fight against Covid-19 was spent.
  • Failure to explain the use of over Kshs. 100,000,000/- from the Emergency fund kit
  • The Department presided over the unproceedural procurement and supply of PPEs for health workers by a senior staff working in the County Public Health directorate at exorbitant prices.
  • The Department is yet to acquire Covid 19 testing kits and that explains why there are low numbers of Covid-19 positive patients reported in Bungoma County compared to our neighboring Busia and Kakamega Counties
  • The Covid-19 roadblocks and Patient-tracking has been greatly affected due to interference and poor communication from the CEC who doesn’t value sharing of valuable info on change of policy to his juniors and delayed risk allowances to health workers stationed at isolation centers
  1. Department of Environment, Water & Tourism


  • Drilled and Equipped 51 boreholes
  • Acquisition of a 77 million Water drilling rig, test pumping unit, support truck and geotechnical equipment – First phase of the project will see each of the 45 wards get ONE borehole drilled, raised tanks installed, and piping of water to the environs (ongoing)
  • In collaboration with the Korean Government, the County govt. is constructing KOICA I and KOICA II piped water projects, which draws Water from Mt Elgon and supplies it to Kanduyi, Sirisia and Bumula Sub Counties.
  • Gazettement of the County Environment Committee (CEC) as per Environmental Management and Coordination Act of 2015 cap 387 and Officially launched on 27th September, 2018
  • Undertaking garbage collection, transportation and disposal in main towns and markets across the County
  • Construction of a perimeter wall at the Bungoma dumpsite located in Bumula (ongoing)


  • Poor drainage in the entire county especially in Bungoma town despite the fact that a contract was awarded to Wangamati’s cronie but the contractor does NOTHING instead the county uses casuals to clean up. Most parts of the drainage system are blocked leading to damages to businesses and homes by rain/storm water
  • Failure to support Public Private Partnership i.e. Tourist attraction events like Elgon 4×4 Challenge which apart from sporting did tree planting on the slopes of Mt. Elgon with the CEC excusing the county for lack of budgetary allocation
  • The rig will be used to avail the much needed water YES!, But will also attempt to cover the misappropriation of over 500 million allocated in previous FYs with little to show
  • 500+ million previously ALLOCATED and therefore already UTILIZED on 51 WATER projects. Only 15 ever FUNCTIONED
  • Motion of No-Confidence was tabled by Hon. Juma Nyongesa, Tuuti/Marakaru MCA against the Environment, Water and Tourism CEC Hon. Makheti… money was used to induce some MCAs and therefore influence the outcome

Reasons for no-confidence motion;

  • Kibabii Project… costed 32.7m… NOT FUNCTIONAL
  • SITIKHO water project LAUNCHED by Gov. Wangamati himself….costed 20m… NOT FUNCTIONAL
  • Sawa-Bokoli…costed 18m… NOT FUNCTIONAL
  • ..costed 7.5m… NOT FUNCTIONAL (All the money utilized)
  • Tongaren – kwa Tindi (incomplete but fully paid for)
  • Mwanda – Sudi
  • Khalaba – 50% done – NOT FUNCTIONAL (All the money paid)
  • KHASOKO water project – tendered 2017
  • MASIELO water project – tendered 2017 – NOTHING TO SHOW
  • Lwandanyi – 7 million FULLY paid…. NO WATER
  • Bukembe West at Chemche… 7.5million FULLY paid… NOTHING TO SHOW
  • Meddles in NZOWASCO affairs

Read more here;

  1. Department of Education & Vocational Training


  • Scholarship program
  • Regularization of ECDE teachers into public service
  • Pay rise for ECDE teachers
  • Construction of ECDE classrooms
  • Launch of Course books and activity books for ECDE teachers
  • Outreach programs –
    • Production of FREE Covid-19 facemasks
    • Production of uniforms for reinforcement officers
  • Construction of modern workshops at the following Vocational training centers;
    • Wekelekha, Muteremko, Chwele and Cheptais (special needs) – under infrastructure
    • 32 workshops – Under Community Empowerment fund (CEF)
  • Facilitation; teaching aid (approved textbooks)


  • Underfunding
  • Understaffed
  • Negative Community attitude;
  • Failure to disburse over 5 million meant for Technical Vocational Centers… The money remains unaccounted for two financial years later
  • The depart. spent 7 million on the launch of the scholarship program at Kibabii… The amount could have benefited a good number of students in terms of bursaries
  • Construction tenders awarded to Wangamati’s cronies through proxies
  • Less than 5000 pcs of face masks were distributed despite the governor pledging to the entire 1.6million population with Covid-19 facemask
  • The ministry later prioritised making money by choosing to produce facemasks for commercial purposes; Selling to Sirisia MP, Other facilities… dropping Wangamati’s pledge to offer the entire populace with free facemasks
  • The proceeds from the facemask production business is still unaccounted for
  • Some of the hired tailors involved in the making of facemasks stand owed by the county govt to date
  • Sitabicha training centre yet to get its share of 3 FY disbursements
  1. Department of Trade


  • Procurement of a Power reconnection equipment (canter)


  • The equipment is not properly utilized for the purpose its was bought for instead its said to be misused to do illegal power connections
  • Deliberate blackouts on streets like Mufutu oldrex – Mocca – Wanjala ng’ombe… The county is said to be saving by keeping the lights off since it’s the county that pays for them
  1. Department of Roads, Transport, Infrastructure and Public Works 


  • Dual carriageway (incomplete)
  • Improved feeder roads (ongoing)
  • Upgrading of some county roads


  • This is the ministry that has exhibited MOST corrupt dealings starting with supply of ‘air’ in the name of Form-compound chemical for firefighting worth 3,000,000/= that was never supplied by KEVLEAH which was paid fully.
  • Use of County construction machinery on the dual carriage without valid and well documented leasing/hiring contract
  • The Fire service employees currently operate from their homes whenever there is an emergency… There exists NO 24 hour fire emergency services following the removal of the fire service depart officers from their building (as intended by the Lusaka regime) and instead having the roads officials move in… The offices had among others a Kitchen, Parking for fire engines, store for emergency equipment and a place for accommodation…
  • Politically and emotionally motivated transfers in the ministry have greatly demoralized officers
  • The current regime has not purchased new machinery in the roads depart… All machineries were bought in the last regime
  • The department does NOT maintain the available machinery leading to grounding of most of them… those in use have among other issues mechanical problem and worn out tires
  • Award of road contracts to the executive’s cronies through proxies
  • Disrupted water supply to residents living along the dual carriage running to over a year in some parts
  • The Sang’alo Junction Kanduyi Dual Road has no bill board to indicate details of the Contractor, Engineer. The contractor has no regard for signages as demanded by the law leading to numerous accidents.
  • No single signage on the entire dual carriage road construction
  • Poor drainage on most of the roads opened and graded
  • Poor drainage system has seen houses swept away by rain water from the dual
  1. Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Irrigation, Fisheries & Co-op Dev 


  • Dairy and poultry projects under NARIGP project by world bank
  • Musese Coffee weighbridge
  • FREE subsidized fertilizer to farmers
  • Employment of new staff and promotions


  • The Ministry is undertaking the construction of the milk dairy plant at Webuye on Land that does not belong to the County Government of Bungoma. The land belongs to NZOWASCO under the Lake Victoria North Water Board
  • The CEC has not been able to prudently utilize and manage World Bank funds.
  • The Minister is one of the keyboard warriors of the County Government of Bungoma known for his vulgar language contrary to the code of conduct.
  • The Ministry has been involved in the irregular sourcing for chicken slaughter investor
  • The Governor through the MOALFIC has been involved in single sourcing of poor quality fertilizer and other farm inputs in the Financial Year 2018/19 and 2019/20.
  1. Department of Public Administration and ICT 


  • Created notable order in town
  • Internship policy adopted awaiting implementation
  • Creation delimitation of 236 village administrative boundaries
  • Construction of Ward Administration offices i.e Tongaren, Maraka (built by Lusaka), Ndivisi (launched) Malakisi / South Kulisiru, Lwandanyi, Bukembe West (Completed/Ongoing construction)
  • Communication policy
  • Work Environment policy – working condition in civil service


  • Some Ward Administrators acting as Sub County Administrators for the last two years without confirmation and promotion.
  • The Department is yet to employ village Administrators and yet money had been appropriated by the county assembly of Bungoma for the last three financial years between 2017/18 and 2020/21.
  • The County Website is ever unstable with mean information for public consumption
  • Inadequate uniforms for reinforcement officers… Each has one piece to be used Monday to Saturday at times the entire week/month/week
  • Inadequate tools of trade… Vehicles,
  • The same government protects those who flaunt parking rules
  • The officers are at times involved in corruption
  • The government protects those politically correct who assault reinforcement officers while on duty
  • Reinforcement officers are at times used to commit crimes against those who differ with the county government on principle
  • Can’t account for millions of shillings taken by staff as imprest through various imprest warrants.
  • Failed to ensure effective coordination and administration of county government functions.
  • Failed to carry out adequate Civic Education and public awareness to enable citizens naked informed participation in county governance and development, despite receiving several millions each year for civic education.

8. Department of Gender, Culture, Social Services, Youth and Sports 


  • Construction of Masinde Muliro Stadium (incomplete)


  • The ministry is building one of the most expensive stadiums in Kenya by the name Masinde Muliro Stadium.
  • It is yet to complete the high altitude Centre in Mt. Elgon started during the Lusaka Regime.
  • It is yet to complete the Nalondo Stadium as money was diverted to pay for the Masinde Muliro Stadium.
  • Using Youths as a cashcow… i.e Fumigation exercise whwre the Country claims to have used 10,830,050/= when in real sense they used less than 2 million an exercise that was coordinated by the governor’s PA and not the Youth depart.
  • Minimal support for youthful programs within the county
  • The Department had no Policies, Legislations and Regulations on children, youth, persons with disability and Gender and Culture.
  • The Ministry Chief Officer for Youth and Sports Carol Masette together with Chief of Staff Allan Chenani engaged in illegal and irregular disposal of trees and obsolete equipment at the Masinde Muliro Stadium. She and Chenani is supposed to be prosecuted and surcharged.
  • Misappropriation of AJIRA funds
  • The Department is yet to develop Sang’alo Cultural Centre.
  • Failure to properly secure traditional cultural sites
  1. Department Lands, Urban & Physical Planning


  • Constructed World bank funded roads;
      • Tesia – makutano
      • Shariffs Centre – Prisons
      • Mama fanta (Cabros)
      • Riziki supermarket – DC
      • Slaughter house – DC – St. Lukes boy – Thursday market


  • Wangamati declining to receive a report from Hon. Lawrence Sifuna led taskforce on Land. A report that costed taxpayers 18 million and was concluded in June 2019. The governor demanded to have information on the following pieces of land expunged from the report before he receives it;
    1. Chebukube Market land
    2. Posta Grounds land (Ngarisha Teachers Sacco)
    3. Tesia land at Kanduyi junction
  • Subdivision of the land bought by the Lusaka Regime to allocate a construction site to the so called Chinese Contractor. That is illegal and irregular because it is change-of-use of the land from the initial plan for county headquarters.
  • Has not recovered and re surveyed grabbed public land in Bungoma County.
  • It has been a conduit for the mismanagement of over 300million of World Bank funds through Wangamati proxy companies doing infrastructure in Kimilili and Bungoma municipalities.
  • This Department is one of the poor performing ones in the County Government of Bungoma.
  1. Department of Finance and Economic Planning

(Procurement, Audit, Accounts, Monitoring and Evaluation, Ward based projects, Economic Planning)


  • Bungoma Automated Revenue Management System (BARMS) rated 2nd best in the 47 counties by the Presidential task force on own-source revenue
  • Increased revenue collections
  • E-wallet; Cashless revenue collection system
  • Failure to implement court order on confirmation and payment of casuals
  • Frequent public participation
  • Motorbike for Every licensing officer in every sub county
  • Revenue vehicles for revenue mobilization in sub counties
  • Timely payment of Salaries
  • Published the CIDP 2018-2022


  • Since Mar 10, 2020 when Governor Wangamati announced to Chwele traders that the law on tax exemption on mama mboga was ready for IMPLEMENTATION… MAMA MBOGAs ARE STILL WAITING
  • NO proper toilet facilities at market Centers ie Chebukube mkt
  • NO Auction rings (trade is done in open air)
  • NO promotions
  • POS machines are inadequate – NO thermos rolls facilitation
  • Understaffed
  1. Office of County Secretary


  • The County Secretary is the head of the County Public Service. He is responsible for arranging the business and keeping the Minutes of the County Executive Committee subject to the directions of the executive Committee, Conveying the decisions of the County executive to the appropriate persons or authorities…


  • Irregular appointments and promotions
  • Failure to utilize KDSP funds from the World Bank as intended.
  • Poor Coordination of Service delivery
  • Lack of morale within the rank and file of the County staff.
  • Poor inter-governmental programs and meetings last conducted well when Chiuli was the Country Secretary.
  • Apart from cabinet meetings… Lack of inter departmental meetings.
  • Unfair transfers to those deemed to be less sycophantic to the regime regardless to their individual service delivery ability
  • Lack of a competency framework for the County Public Service.
  • A service chartered that has not been cascaded to departments and staff sensitized.
  • There is a no performance management framework and the Delivery Unit is full of zombies who are earning salary for nothing.
  • Poor communication

11. At the County Assembly of Bungoma;


  • Wangamati’s failed impeachment petition
  • Passing of the Budgets, the last having been possible via a memorandum from Wangamati
  • Improved working relationship with MCAs


  • Failure by Wangamati to implement reports passed/adopted by the assembly
  • Prioritizing his wars with Pro-Wetangula as opposed to service delivery
  • Using hired goons to intimidate MCAs who differ with him on principle

#iKUWEiKUWE Departmental rating out of 100;

#iKUWEiKUWE Departmental rating;

No. Marks (%) Description
1 50 Education & Vocational Training
2 45 Health and Sanitation
3 42 Roads, Transport, Infrastructure and Public Works
4 40 Finance and Economic Planning
5 38 Public Administration and ICT
6 38 Lands, Urban & Physical Planning
7 37 Agriculture, Livestock, Irrigation, Fisheries & Co-op Dev.
8 36 Environment, Water & Tourism
9 30 Gender, Youth, Culture & Sports
10 24 Trade and Industrialisation
11 15 Office of the County Secretary

Mean Score; 35.9%

  Wangamati’s manifesto

This is how #iKUWEiKUWE rates Bungoma governor Wycliffe Wangamati’s 3-year performance as per his manifesto;

    1. Fighting corruption ……………………………………………………………….    0%
    2. Exempting mama mboga, bodas from paying taxes …………….. 2%
    3. Creating Jobs …………………………………………………………………….….    5%
    4. Bursary for EVERY qualifying student ……………………………………   35%
    5. NHIF scheme for all ………………………………………………………………. 0%
    6. Construction of a dispensary per ward……………………………….….  32%
    7. Establish and equip youth polytechnics facilities ………………….  30%
    8. 40% tenders to youth and women and PWDs ………………………. 10%
    9. 60% tenders to people from WITHIN the county…………………… 20%
    10. Internship to all college going student …………………………………… 2%




  • Wangamati has exhibited immense growth from a scholar with superior business acumen and ‘cerelac-baby’ like political background to a political rookie who dare challenge political supremos like Bungoma Senator Moses Wetangula
  • Using County tenders, he has managed to secure himself support of MPs who double as contractors in Bungoma County. They have cushioned him using the high ranks they hold in the Ford Kenya party
  • At the last party election sorry SELECTION process officiated by Hon. Wamunyinyi and Hon. Eseli… They managed to have their cronies selected to some positions within the party without the knowledge of the party leader
  • His choice to support BBI at an early stage has put him in good books with the President of the Country and the handshake proponents


  • He uses County workforce/resources to fight political battles
  • Getting involved in unnecessary political fights with those who are mandated to oversight him to the point of turning violent thru his handlers
  • Corrupting impeachment petitioners
  • Uses his position to harass business entities associated with his political rivals
  • Spends much energy dancing in murky political waters at the expense of service delivery
  • Use of known hired goons to assault and intimidate critics… at times they collude with some rogue policemen to execute their mandate
  • Allowing his office to be used a ‘NYAYO CHAMBER’ by his partisan employees where County employees are badly assaulted, tortured… He then sends his public relations advisor to intimidate the victims whenever they report the matters at the police.
  • Spending public funds to ‘buy’ favors from security agencies to protect his goons whenever they commit a crime

 Other failures as compiled by #iKUWEiKUWE:

  1. Influencing award of tender to his business partners, relatives and drinking partners thru proxies
  2. Wekelekha School of Excellence facemask production that used millions to market  Wangamati’s PR exercise only made less than 5000 pcs as opposed to making enough for the 1.6 million population as promised by Wangamati. Some of the hired tailors are still owed to date.
  3. Awarding all HUGE tenders to his long-term business partners, cronies, relatives who form the executive tender-cartel
  4. Failure to declare the use of the World bank grant
  5. Substandard work by executive tender-cartel who scare supervision teams
  6. Killing the firefighting services by kicking them out of their offices and instead use them as roads depart offices
  7. Inducing MCAs with funds meant to assist fight Covid-19… landing them at EACC
  8. Misappropriation of emergency funds
  9. Use of the County electricity reconnection equipment to do illegal connections
  10. Misuse and/or misappropriation of COVID-19 funds
  11. Doing things unprocedurally
  12. Prompting petitions to make money thru legal fees via friendly legal firms
  13. Using Wangamati militia/goons to intimidate/harass members of the assembly, Parliament, senate and members of public
  14. Money that was supposedly allocated to improve Kitinda daily remains unaccounted for
  15. The 360 million allocated for industrial park was reallocated following unpreparedness of the CG
  16. Unemployment
  17. Human Resource… Unpaid Casuals, employment of incompetent / unqualified personnel
  18. Mistreatment of casuals employed during Lusaka’s time
  19. Forcing staff to take imprest without knowing its use… And therefore forcing them to surrender!
  20. Using some staff’s account to collect imprest only to inform them later when they are needed to surrender
  21. Theft and misuse of County vehicles
  22. Misuse of county resources (Fuel) to benefit private vehicles
  23. LENGTHY Disruption of water supply by the dual carriage contractor
  24. Misusing the police to harass in an attempt to intimidate critics
  25. Tourist hotel deal that has left teachers crying over spilled milk… Hoteli ilienda by the time 20 years are over Wangamati would have changed leadership of both Teachers Sacco and Bonito to create confusion thru which teachers won’t even know the kind of contract they signed… In brief: Wangamati duped teachers in that deal and he owes them 11 million in arrears
  26. Running down Nzoia Sugar pension scheme as a pensioner who used his position to influence award of a tender to his company Bonito which then did a shoddy job… He is yet to take responsibility and is now alleged to be pushing for the company’s leasing so that he gets his Chinese pharmaceuticals cronies take up part of the land (3000 acres)

His biggest problem is governance… Having been in private sector for long, he is fond of doing things without following laid down procedures. HE OPERATES THE COUNTY LIKE A PERSONAL KIOSK… 10 million to host politicians and do PR is a waste of Public resources

………………………………………………………………………………………………… is working on a 3-part INVESTIGATIVE series on the government’s involvement in killing the Wangamati Impeachment Petition to be released next week… STAY TUNED





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