KHAMINWA writes to advoc. Bryan Khaemba over his defamatory statements against Kimilili MP

Bryan Khaemba ~ High Court Advocate and Kimilili Parliamentary aspirant

In Summary

  • Demands
  • The defamatory statements
  • KHAMINWA’s Downloadable letter

Following what Kimilili MP, Hon. Didmus Barasa deems as defamatory article posted by a High Court Advocate and Kimilili Parliamentary aspirant Bryan Khaemba on March 24, 2020 the legislator has engaged and therefore instructed his lawyer(s) KHAMINWA & KHAMINWA ADVOCATES to address the Kimilili Parliamentary aspirant with a view of having him do the following in 14 days;

  1. Apologise
  2. Desist from publishing further defamatory information on the Kimilili legislator
  3. Pulls down the post

… FAILURE to which; KHAMINWA will institute legal proceedings against him

KHAMINWA & KHAMINWA ADVOCATES’ letter; KHAMINWA writes to advoc. Bryan Khaemba over his defamatory statements against Kimilili MP – Aug 24, Doc 1

Here is the ‘defamatory’ article posted by Bryan Khaemba on 24th March 2020 as quoted in a copy of a letter seen by #iKUWEiKUWE Updates dated 18th August 2020;

I have read and listened to some clips wherein the MP for Kimilili is seen and heard questioning the integrity level of the Governor of Bungoma in discharging his mandate. The disgruntled MP has gone ahead to threaten to impeach the Governor in few days to come. Whereas I appreciate the right of the MP in criticising the County Government, I must state as follows:
  1. This is a fellow who has been a benefector of Governor Wangamati’s leadership. I have personally driven him to a site bridge within Sirisia Constituency which was awarded to his Company by the County Government, albeit dubiously. He asked for cash from me to enable him construct the said bridge but having known his characters I declined.
  1. This same character has a brother working as a Chief Officer in the Office of the Governor by the name of Denson Barasa. If he truly believes that Governor Wangamati lacks the integrity of running the County Government of Bungoma then nothing is easier than asking his brother to ‘left’ the County Administration.
  1. This is a fellow who has been ‘popularly sacked from wherever he has worked due to his insatiable appetite for money, the last being Bollore Company where the company had to incur extra resources to put his name on the dailies so that all and sundry could know that he had been sacked.
  1. This is a fellow who is under active investigations by the EACC, DCI and the PPRA for a number of mulpractices in the management of the CDF and Bursary Funds of Kimilili Constituency.
For avoidance of doubt, no student from Kimilili Constituency has ever received any Bursary funds since 2018 because the fellow used the entire kitty in building a house in his Nasianda Village and conducting a number of PR stints.
Lastly, the gentleman stole the rubber stamp of the Fund Manager which he used to award tenders for the construction of Matili and Chesamis Primary Schools.
So who is corrupt?


In a rejoinder Advocate Bryan Khaemba tells iKUWEiKUWE Updates:

I saw the letter. Finally I have an opportunity to unleash my legal prowess against the scoundrel


FILE PHOTO; Kimilili MP, Hon. Didmus Barasa sharing a meal with Advocate Bryan Khaemba in a previous photo


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