County ditches Youths in the ongoing Fumigation exercise



On 4th April 2020 Bungoma Governor Wangamati launched Covid-19 Fumigation exercise at  Bungoma Bus Park. The exercise that was purposed to DISINFECT all urban centers within the County stalled at some point when youths who had been hired to assist in the fumigation protested about their welfare (Health) due to lack of proper protective gear against the chemicals and demand to have the county invest in own equipments and not asking them to carry spraying gadgets from home. They also complained of the kinda chemical of choice, inadequate pay among other things. At the end of day, the County opted to pay them Kshs. 1,000 each for 5 days when they had worked for only three days. A move that was seem as a silencer to the youths who were supposed not to talk about it and subsequently announced Bungoma County’s unpreparedness to tackle Covid-19.

A Bungoma youth using a gadget he carried from home to disinfect Tuuti market

The exercise has begun again and is ongoing at Misikhu market now… this time round the County Government has opted to use the fire department staff who are well trained and better equipped to handle the job. Tonight they are fumigating Misikhu and other surrounding markets.

VIDEO 1; Misikhu Fumigation exercise;


VIDEO 2; Bungoma Governor Wycliffe Wangamati launches fumigation exercise on 4-4-2020 at Bungoma bus stage;

An iKUWEiKUWE Facebook update on 18.04.2020@08:00 hours;

BUNGOMA FUMIGATION exercise was thrown into CONFUSION after the Ministry of roads Chief Officer Mr Marango handed Mr Musonye the fire services boss a letter sending him on leave. This happens when Musonye was overseeing the one month county #COVID19 disinfection exercise that has so far been conducted for 9 days.

Musonye who has been facing loads of problems at the helm of this service DECLINED to receive the LEAVE letter.

It was at this point that Marango ORDERED the removal of EVERYTHING from the fire services room as well as changing padlocks

Sources say a junior officer was heard shouting at Musonye saying… Wewe kwenda kwenu Kakamega, we need a bukusu here”


The Roads CO Mr Marango distances himself from any TRIBAL comments and instead blames Musonye for DISCIPLINING a junior officer who had misbehaved at work… “He had EARLIER written to me asking for a LEAVE but I did not grant it due to matters #COVID19 but upon his misconduct (disciplining his junior WITHOUT consulting me)… I had to grant it” said Marango

MUSONYE: On his part insists the disciplinary letter he wrote to the junior officer was COPIED to the Chief officer… The letter accused the officer of STEALING Musonye’s crucial OFFICE documents from his desk in the open office they all share. Surprisingly Marango used the same officer to REMOVE Musonye’s stuff and those of his deputy from their desks… Musonye was NOT allowed to get his personal belongings

CO Marango’s actions only indicate that he supports the junior officer’s actions of stealing my crucial office documents

*Quote unQuote*

If at all its the letter I wrote that’s getting me in trouble. Why was my deputy send on leave at the same time? My deputy was not involved in this but was send on leave too…

“My problems WORSENED when I visited the governor’s office on the GOVERNOR’S INVITATION to collect funds (10,000/=) to repair the horse pipe. Am informed I did not follow protocol… There are also claiming that we are #COVID19 positive without subjecting us to tests…”

*_”The Chief Officer had initially REFUSED to grant me leave… What advised the turn around when am in the middle of managing a crisis? What stopped him from sharing his descending views to the disciplinary letter???… I was forced out of office on Tuesday, meaning no FUMIGATION has NOT taken place since then”_*

In the NINE days… The fumigation exercise had already taken place at:

Bungoma Town Chwele Webuye Miyanga Kimaeti Kaptama Kapsokwony Mt Elgon Lugulu Misikhu



“Chief Officer Marango has on several occasions in our office meetings told me that while working in Kakamega (where I come from) he was mishandled/mistreated and was never promoted. Now that he is a boss at home, I should leave”

*”One of the many TRIBAL attacks happened in a meeting that was ATTENDED by our CEC Roads, Mr Collins Mukhongo who has NOT settled the issue to date”* added Musonye

“I work under very MEAN circumstances… Including using my own vehicle to transport officers whenever responding to emergencies even during the FUMIGATION exercise… I am only given 1,000/= as allowance for fumigation, funds I instead use to fuel MY car to drop officers some who live in Siboti, Luyekhe, Chwele, Mt Elgon because the truck can’t do that”

*_”HOW DO I COORDINATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE FROM MY HOUSE when we have a fire station that’s supposed to be functioning 24/7? It has on MOST occasions been my business getting them (fire officers) to work and return them home without reimbursement… ALL THIS WAS CRAFTED FOR ME TO FAIL_”*

“I can’t change what Marango went thru in Kakamega… I wasn’t there, never took part and I don’t think I should be Punished for that”

I’ve generally worked well with the health depart and governor’s office… But…

“Am ready to receive my dues and go home than work under Marango with his TRIBAL ATTITUDE against me” said Musonye in his closing remarks


Since the LAUNCH of the FUMIGATION program, the fire services officers have faced NUMEROUS huddles among them:

No transport means to and from home (night duties)

INADEQUATE equipment with HIGH expectations from the public and bosses

Information reaching #iKUWEiKUWE Updates indicates that the main reason why they want Musonye and team out of the way is so as to give the fumigation exercise to the EXECUTIVE TENDER-CARTELS. Musonye has been seen as a barrier to this “lucrative” FUMIGATION tender

By this post am:

Encouraging Governor Wangamati to PRIORITIZE the welfare of Bungoma residents as opposed to office squabbles… You can revisit office squabbles after Corona.

Your invitation to Musonye is what has gotten us here

Calling upon the *The National Cohesion and Integration Commission of Kenya* to investigate these TRIBAL claims

18.04.2020@08:00 hours


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