Dry taps leave Bungoma town cursing

In Summary;
  • Complaints
  • Rejoinders from NZOWASCO officials
  • Additional concerns from Social media

Following days of zero piped water in Bungoma town and its environs residents are up in arms blaming NZOWASCO and the CECM water over what they term as upside down priorities. Khalaba ward has been without water for about a week before the dry-tap problem spread to Township and Musikoma wards… IN THESE COVID-19 TIMES

Speaking to #iKUWEiKUWE Updates:
  1. A prominent businessman wonders why the entire town should encounter such a lengthy lack of piped water… with no alternatives offered by the County government.
  2. Mary, another disappointed resident displayed her disappointment faulting the CECM Water Mr. Makheti and NZOWASCO officials for playing innocent on water issues that have befallen Bungoma people, Issues within their mandate
  3. A Siritanyi resident reckons they have complained since the beginning of the year in vain
  4. Romima (Khalaba ward) residents claim they have gone without piped water for a year courtesy the dual carriageway construction.
In a rejoinder Florence Wambui of NZOWASCO informed #iKUWEiKUWE Updates that they have been having experiencing various problems including dirty water running from the Terem hydropower in Mt Elgon. She indicated that they had to wait for it to clear before pumping to a treatment point. She nevertheless informed that water will be back a few hours from now
NZOWASCO CEO Mr Maruti, Chairlady Mrs. Masibayi and Regional Manager Tom Musungu reaffirmed Florence’s statement with Tom adding that Matisi pump was also serviced and water is currently running thru the pipes in some parts of the town and will therefore be back FULLY in a few hours
CEO Maruti also blamed air locking following absence of water in the pipes and therefore encouraged those who’d still be lacking water by tomorrow to raise alarm for a speedy reaction from NZOWASCO
#iKUWEiKUWE Updates has learnt that NZOWASCO has some regional WhatsApp groups where they use to pass crucial information to public (selected members). My concern is that those communications are too vital to be shared on a lean group of less than 256 members when its meant for thousands of residents. Why not use Media houses and other platforms to pass over SUCH information for maximum reach. COMMUNICATION IS THE BIGGEST PROBLEM HERE
Selected concerns as raised by #iKUWEiKUWE Movement Facebook members;
  • Musonge Munialo  NZOWASCO is a disgrace
  • Naomi Ingasha  Mashambani its almost 2 months without water …… tunaumia Nzowasco please!
  • Rose Luturian  I myself since July this June,,,I have no water,,, but every end month they come to read their previous sub meter of may,then they sent u to pay that bill
  • Paul Otis  Let’s hope so as they say but the companies communication director need to up his game
  • Wanaswa Wanaswa  The best remedy for water consumers energy in this country is doing away with standing charge and minimum payment for whether you’ve used the water or not. We need to go the KPLC way, you pay for real consumption.
              • Mpenda Maendeleo  Milimani; it’s now 3months without water. NZOWASCO and kplc are the most thiefs
                I hear my MCA Ben Kipkut reigned in the company plus the CECM but apparently, there seem to be some misunderstanding between the parties leading to our suffering. I talked to one employee of Nzowasco who told me that the MCA went to their head office a…
                So NZOWASCO is lying about dirty water running downwards?
                These guys are just inefficient. Our taps are dry for over a month
                These guys wa Nzowasco are real jokers. They seem not to understand why they chose water as their trade. We in Chesikaki ward have our taps dry for the entire August month despite being the mother to the water supply, Chesikaki Water Supply that feeds among other areas, Cheptais and Sirisia! This is shameful
                Gib Simiyu, haven’t the area leadership found it necessary to handle it?
#iKUWEiKUWE Updates
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