Assembly Principal Clerk arraigned in Court



The Principal clerk to the County assembly of Bungoma Mr. Francis was today Friday, August 14, 2020 arraigned in a Kibera Law Court charged with;

  1. Stealing contrary to section 268 (1) as read with section 275 of the penal code
  2. Handling stolen goods, contrary to section 322 (2) of penal code

He was released on a Kshs. 30,000 cash bail


As far as #iKUWEiKUWE is concerned;

  • The 2nd accusation is cooked, politically motivated and possibly influenced by some vitamins
  • The police know who took Nyukuri’s bag (account 2) from West Suites ~ Nairobi West… Am certain Tome was not in Nairobi on 6th August 2020
  • The Police seem to be acting under the influence of the County executive with a view of getting Tome out of the way… Wangamati has wanted him out of the way for long
  • Tome might be suspended from work and will then earn half salary if so till the case is heard and determined by the court.
  • Now lets see how wangamati will push for the suspension of Tome when he failed to suspend the following;
    • His partisan employees who assaulted Zack Barasa and Lukoye Moses… they were arraigned in Court
    • The executive goons who assaulted Nyukuri Barasa, #eDDUHSimiyu and other #iKUWEiKUWE Movement’s members at Kiwanja Ndege… They are now employed as casuals despite the fact that they were arraigned in Court


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