Rewarded for defending MITUNGI??


Rewarded for defending Mitungi

TODAY during the Budget committee interrogation in Kisumu a list of wards earmarked for drilling of boreholes was revealed . The CEC Water and sanitation Mr Makheti said after buying the ridge (water drilling machine) they needed to test in the following wards (naming wards whose MCAs are on the attached list)

Attached find the MCAs to the mentioned wards… These are the same MCAs who were in Wangamati’s camp and were therefore tasked by Wangamati to run around with 5,000/= to buy pro-change MCAs to reverse their decision on changing Bungoma County Assembly leadership… In short Wangamati is rewarding loyalty UNCONSTITUTIONALLY

The assembly is now moving in to change that… Any such decision will involve the assembly moving forward

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