In Summary;
- Waziri’s statement (video)
- #iKUWEiKUWE Updates findings
Following the release of a video by Wangamati’s communication team featuring Agriculture CEC Makanda, I sort some answers from the assembly.
#iKUWEiKUWE findings;
- The annual budget FY 2020/21 was supposed to be brought to the County Assembly of Bungoma on 30th April, 2020, the Executive nevertheless FAILED to beat the deadline and brought it on 8th June, 2020.
- The supplementary budget was also received by the assembly on 8th June
- Both the Annual and the Supplementary budgets were tabled in the County Assembly on 9th June, 2020.
⛔Expansions plans have NEVER been brought to the County Assembly.
⛔NO names of the recruited chief officers have been submitted to the County Assembly for vetting exercise
⛔Makanda the CEC has NEVER developed any policy in his ministry to alleviate the Bungoma people in matters agriculture, livestock, fisheries and irrigation.
⛔Only three impeachments have been lined up and NOT 8 as CEC Makanda alludes.
⛔Further if he thinks that the County Assembly is witch-hunting him and other CECs then why can’t they proof their innocence than running to court, since no one can think of impeaching a CEC without reason. Let him read sec. 40 of the CGA, 2012
⛔ So far waziri claims the dissolution signatures stand at …. Sirisia 8,000, Kabula 12,000, Bumula 15,000, Kanduyi 8,000, Kimilili 3,000 Tongaren 3, Webuye East 5,000 = 54,000…
- Concentrate of Service delivery for even if Wangamati is miraculously elected now, tomorrow or 2022… The assembly will still oversight his govt.
⛔ 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I have a feeling you TECHNICALLY avoided one name… Nways the work of MCAs is not to be Wangamati’s PAs and errand boys and flower girls
⛔ OTHERWISE; Am reliably informed that waziri is yet to FULLY refund the money he collected in the pretext of traveling abroad on official duty but ended up HOLIDAYING at the Kenyan coast… Wangamati asked him to refund the money after #iKUWEiKUWE exposed waziri