‘Greedy & Selfish’ Eseli responds to nomination allegations

Dr Eseli FILE; Photo

In Summary;

  • Allegations as received
  • Eseli’s response
  • #iKUWEiKUWE’s findings

It’s becoming evident that we are yet to see the best rather worst of Ford Kenya’s ugly political battles emanating from the COUP ATTEMPT staged by Dr. Eseli, Wafula Wamunyinyi and Governor Wangamati against Party Leader Moses Wetangula. One of the posts flying around the social media was titled The Greedy & Selfish Hand of Eseli in the 2017 elections which prompted #iKUWEiKUWE Updates to seek responses from Dr. Eseli before updating on our Website in line with our objectives


Allegations as received;

The Greedy & Selfish Hand of Eseli in the 2017 elections.

As the SG, Eseli Simiyu grabbed for himself 5 of the 7 nomination slots for MCAs in Bungoma County, rewarding his relatives and cronies at the expense of more deserving persons from the other sub-counties.

Full list;

  1. Beatrice Wekesa (Tongaren) – Eseli’s niece nominated for the 2nd time after 2013.
  2. Jerusha Aleo (Tongaren) – From Eseli’s Milima ward.
  3. Rose Imbeka (Tongaren) – Alleged to be Eseli’s girlfriend.
  4. Fred Musebe (Tongaren) – a son to Eseli’s long time Treasurer of his CDF.
  5. Metrine Nangalama – Eseli’s Aunt and sister to his long time PA/ Constituency Manager, Macleans Nangalama

Sen. Weta nominated Luke Opwora from Kanduyi to represent the youth.

This was after Wamunyinyi had attempted to impose Umi Maloba, which the court over turned.

Kesia Lukosi from Kabuchai earned her slot after Kabuchai produced 3 MCAs.

In Kitale, Eseli has twice nominated his Sister In-Law, Margaret Wanjala.

Judge for yourself who has been the real problem in Ford Kenya.


Dr. Eseli’s response;

  1. Beatrice is not from Tongaren but from Kamukuywa.
  2. Jerusa comes from Milima ward while I am from Naitiri/ Kabuyefwe Ward… she was the choice of the Teso Community, not mine.
  3. Rose Imbega is an elderly lady who if anybody associates her with such a relationship then that person is unhinged.
  4. Fred Musebe got the nomination thru Senator after being student leader at Kibabii University. His father was treasurer of Kimilili FK branch before division into Tongaren and Kimilili… he died recently.
  5. Metrine Nangalama was an employee in Senators office before he nominated her to the assembly. She is not related to me.
  6. Margaret Wanjala in Kitale is not my relative.

In 2013, Tongaren produced 4 FK MCAs but got no nomination… nobody spoke for Tongaren.

In 2017, it was agreed that since all top seats of Governor, Senator and Women Rep was going to lower Bungoma, then nominations were to come from upper Bungoma and especially Tongaren. Even the two of Kezia and Opwora was just for some balance otherwise all nominations were to come from upper Bungoma… buruki khukabana!


#iKUWEiKUWE’s findings after consulting both sides;

  1. Beatrice Wekesa (Tongaren) – Nominated twice in 2013 and 2017… She is Eseli’s distant niece, used to work at Kimilili CDF in 2013 (larger Kimilili Constituency then). An asset in Ford Kenya in terms of mobilization
  2. Jerusha Aleo (Tongaren) – From Eseli’s Milima ward
  3. Beatrice Wekesa (Tongaren) – Nominated twice in 2013 and 2017… She is Eseli’s distant niece, used to work at Kimilili CDF in 2013 (larger Kimilili Constituency then). An asset in Ford Kenya in terms of mobilization
  4. Jerusha Aleo (Tongaren) – From Eseli’s Milima ward
  5. Rose Imbeka (Tongaren) – She represents the elderly
  6. Fred Musebe (Tongaren) – Having been a student leader at Kibabii University, his nomination was pegged on having Comrades represented in the assembly. He hugely assisted the party in campaigns especially amongst university/college youths
  7. Metrine Nangalama – Yes she is Dr. Eseli’s relative and sister to his long time PA/ Constituency Manager, Macleans Nangalama. She was nevertheless nominated because of her input to the party
  8. Kesia Lukosi from Kabuchai earned her slot after Kabuchai produced 3 MCAs – She deserved it
  9. In Kitale, Eseli has twice nominated his Sister In-Law, Margaret Wanjala… Margaret am in formed is ‘moto-wa-kuotea-mbali’ when it comes to mobilization. So she also earned the slot.
  10. Umi Maloba was put on the nomination list at the advance stage of campaigns, before she was convinced by Mayi Antonina Sangura to defect to UDP. She nevertheless continues being an asset to FK financially and materially during and after campaigns. She was a nominated as a representative of the Muslim community and by extension women being the Secretary to Maendeleo ya Wanawake – Bungoma
  11. Wetangula nominated Luke Opwora from Kanduyi to represent the youth. This was after Wamunyinyi lobbyed for Umi Maloba, which the court over turned.

An #iKUWEiKUWE rat at Simba house  indicates that the nomination list was mainly handled by Eseli and Wamunyinyi. It is alleged that when the lists landed at Simba office, the two disappeared with them without any registration only to avail them on the last day. They dienied FK party officials an opportunity to scrutinise the candidates

Asante Dr. Eseli for sparing time to response


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