In Summary;
- Hand sanitizer bottles from home
- 100 million as an emergency fund
- 213 million Covid-19 funds
- 4 million enforcement officers ‘motivation’ fund
As each County govt struggles to put its best foot forward in the fight against Covid-19, Bungoma County has not been left behind. Its leadership has tried its best but not enough despite the fact that the County has enough funds at its disposal. I can authoritatively say most of the challenges this county faces are the leadership’s own making.
County Enforcement officers have raised concerns over what has been termed as departmental corruption especially concerning matters Sanitizers and allowances given to officers. On Wednesday, June 17, 2020 every enforcement officer was asked to come with 1-liter empty ‘plastic’ bottle so as to be given hand sanitizers (liquid) to use while on duty. What annoyed the officers most was that they were upon receiving their share of sanitizer (poured in one’s bottle) forced to sign (name,ID,Signature) on a claim form that showed they had received funds whose figure was not indicated. The section for funds was left blank.
The revenue director Mr. Sichangi is now alleged to be making threatening calls to those officers who sort to inquire on the need to sign for funds they have not received and/or indicate what they have received if so. One officer who spoke to #iKUWEiKUWE Updates informs that the director told a colleague “Nitakupeleka huko Tongaren kama hautaSign hiyo karatasi, mimi siko hapa kujibu maswali yako,,, na ukileta nyokonyoko utafutwa”
#iKUWEiKUWE Updates has made the following findings;
- As indicated in our previous posts… The CO Finance once withdrew 4 million towards ‘motivation’ of the enforcement officers. Then it was planned (on paper) that each working officer would get 2,000 per day – It has never happened
- It’s now a fact that officers are no longer constantly getting this allowance. They get when the ‘bosses’ feel like. Again, the figure is NOT standardPOINTS TO NOTE:
🔹 On Wednesday 6th May 2020… Bungoma County govt received 100 million as an emergency fund from the National govt, funds that are purposed to fight #COVID_19 as well as assist areas affected by floods/landslides… UNACCOUNTED
🔹Recently Bungoma county got 213million out of the Sh5 billion Covid-19 funds from the Economic Stimulus Package announced by President Uhuru Kenyatta… ZERO MENTION FROM THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT
🔹4 million towards ‘motivation’ of the enforcement officers… MISAPPROPRIATED
🔹What bout the 11.9 Mitungi millions???
Where does Governor Wangamati take our money?
I like the way you point out lapses in the government
Asante. They must act responsibly always