Election of Committee Chairpersons in the County Assembly of Bungoma

Barasa Kundu Nyukuri

Friday 19th June 2020 Updates from the Desk of the County Viewpoint Forum Administrator about Election of Committee Chairpersons in the County Assembly of Bungoma on Monday 22nd June 2020:

1. The Administrator of County Viewpoint Forum is duly informed of the Road map for the election of new Chairpersons of the Departmental Committees and New Deputy Speaker of the County Assembly of Bungoma.

2. That all the pro- Wangamati MCAs have had their membership de-Whipped from five to only two committees.

3. That the new Deputy Speaker will come from Mt. Elgon Sub County.

4. The new Chairperson for the Budget and Appropriation Committee will come from Bumula Sub County.

5. That the new Chairperson for Public Administration & ICT Committee will come from Kanduyi Sub County.

6. That the new Chairperson for the Committee of Implementation will come from Tongaren Sub County.

7. That the new Chairperson for Education will either come from Webuye West or to a nominated MCA from Tongaren Sub County.

8. That the Chairperson for Agriculture Livestock Fisheries Irrigation and Cooperative Development will be from Kanduyi Sub County.

9. The Chairperson for the PIC will be from Bumula Sub County.

10. The Chairperson for PAC Committee will be from Sirisia Sub County.

11.That the Chairperson for Finance Committee will be retained by Kabuchai Sub County.

12. Tourism Committee to go to Mt. Elgon Sub County.

13. Youth Affairs and Sports to go to a nominated MCA.

14. Kimilili Sub County will have two Chairperson of Committees in the County Assembly thus Land, Urban, Physical Planning & Housing and the Committee for Justice and Legal Affairs.

15. Webuye East will have an MCA joining the powerful Budget and Appropriation Committee.

16. The D-Day for Election is on Monday and details of the specific names will be revealed by this Forum on the same day to avoid pre-emptying the outcomes.

Stay tuned for more information and viewpoint about the ongoing transformation and changes in the leadership and membership of Departmental Committees in the County Assembly of Bungoma.

Aluta continua.


Barasa Kundu Nyukuri

Executive Director Torch Africa & Governance Expert.

Email; nyukuribarasakundu2@gmail.com



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