Chief officer conducts parallel, illegal casuals ‘verification’ exercise


On Friday, June 19, 2020 Bungoma County govt. conducted a verification exercise for casuals at KIE hall as it prepares to implement a Kisumu court’s order(s).

As the exercise continued inside the hall, Chief Officer Danson Barasa’s black vehicle was parked outside the entire time admitting ‘casuals’ selectively. The CO who refused to be left out of the exercise seemed not to be doing verification but recruitment. His errand boys would selectively call ‘casuals’ one by one. It was later discovered that most of those who were called to the vehicle were not casuals in the County. An #iKUWEiKUWE rat says that those who came out of the vehicle were beaming with smiles. One told her friends “… wacha mimi niende, nishamaliziwa” This lady worked in the agriculture department on attachment and left when it ended but here she was being confirmed before those who’ve been religiously working for the County govt without a pay for over a year getting an opportunity to have their papers scrutinized.

The CO never left his car

Casuals from the agriculture depart were however told to come for verification next Friday, June 26, 2020


#iKUWEiKUWE Updates did not bother to reach out to the CO for a comment since he previously asked me to loose his number after I refused to drop the story of him doing the unthinkable in the assembly on Thursday 5th March 2020


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