Deputy Speaker abandons Wangamati to save self from MCAs wrath


The battleground has shifted to Assembly Committees

In Summary;

  • Hon. Chrispinus Wamusai pleaded for a second chance
  • Forced to publicly apologise

Bungoma County Assembly House Business Committee had on Tuesday, May 19, 2020 allotted time on Wednesday’s (May 20, 2020) order paper a ‘no confidence’ motion on the Deputy Speaker Hon. Chrispinus Wamusai Simiyu… A motion that was to be moved by Township MCA, Hon. Magudah

Sensing defeat on the floor of the house, the Deputy Speaker arrived at the assembly early enough to lobby for forgiveness… He later had a reconciliatory meeting with ‘team-change’ MCAs where he made a personal and passionate apology with the following pledges;

  • He will henceforth recognize and support the recent changes in the house
  • He will withdraw the ‘Majority leadership’ court case within a week
  • He will denounce Gov. Wangamati and stop associating with him henceforth
  • He will be steadfast in over sighting the Executive
Deputy Speaker, Hon. Chrispinus Wamusai addresses the media after successfully convincing his colleagues that he will not again abandon his duties in favour of Wangamati’s defence

At this point he was asked to leave the room for a decision to be made…

The MCAs deliberated and accepted his apology BUT did not withdraw the motion instead they opted to have it put in abeyance pending Hon. Wamusai’s withdrawal from court of the ‘Majority Leadership’ case within 7 days failure to which the motion will proceed.


He was also ordered to make a press statement on the same at own cost.

The battleground has now shifted to Committees where balancing will be done next Wednesday… On the chopping board are Committee chairs who have been Anti-Oversight.

Top on the list;

  • Joan Lutukayi – Public Administration
  • Hon. Rosemary – Budget
  • Hon. Millie Masungo – Education Committee
  • Hon. Lusenaka Antony – Agriculture
  • Hon. Juakali –
  • Hon. Jorum –


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