In Summary;
- Governor Wangamati sponsors MCAs to move to court on Monday, May 18, 2020
- Assembly Deputy Speaker to be ousted on Wednesday
- Vote of no-confidence in Governor Wangamati looms
Following ouster of the former Leader of Majority in Bungoma County Assembly hon. Florence Wekesa a chain reaction of events has been triggered to that effect. This includes the governor’s involvement (directly & indirectly) in solidifying a defense for the embattled Maeni MCA who was accused of being in bed with him instead of leading the assembly in its oversight role to now a court case sponsored by Wangamati thru MCAs Jorum, Wamusai and Milly in favour of the embattled Florence

– Maeni MCA, Hon. Florence Wekesa at a previous function
It is alleged that the sponsored MCAs are moving to court over a “non-existent” gazette notice… A notice that had NOT been published by the time the assembly made the changes. A claim that has been rubbished by team-change MCAs who say the Assembly booked (paid) for publication of the notice and subsequently got a number. “It’s been common practice that once you book, get a publication-date and number then you are good to go” said one MCA. He went ahead to say… “the governor called a certain lady at the govt printers and convinced her not to publish the notice so that it becomes an illegality”
BOOM! isn’t Wangamati a genius who is directing his energies at the wrong place?
- Why is he so keen to defend MCA Florence?
- What’s his interest in a person who has failed to offer the required leadership expected of her by those who elected her to the Majority leader’s position?
- Why is Wangamati keen to interfere with the operations of the assembly?
- Why does he selectively bend rules to qualify illegalities in his favour…the quickly forget an run to court when it doesn’t favour him?
It must be remembered that Wangamati has perfected the art of doing things unprocedurally. Here are some as highlighted by #iKUWEiKUWE Updates before;
- Swearing in of Executives before gazetting…One was sworn in after working hours to avoid court orders;
- Municipality boards;
- The Assembly Speaker wrote to the Clerk prompting the Clerk to contact the govt. printer and subsequently made payment
- A number was issued
- The government printer promised to publish on/by Thursday
- She nevertheless did NOT publish following what is said to be interference from Governor Wangamati himself
- The Speaker made a pronouncement on the floor of the house
- Any possible reversal will mean the whole process (changes) will be affected.

Following this development MCAs have resorted to point their guns at the governor himself. They now say that after replacing the deputy speaker Siboti MCA, Hon. Wamusai on Wednesday… They’ll now go for the county CEO’s neck thru a vote of no confidence.
The governor must know that his continued undermining, manipulation and frustration of the assembly operations to kill oversight in Bungoma is not in the interest of Bungoma populace but in in his own and that of his cohoots
The public is watching and has noticed that some MCAs are revolving against your puppets in the assembly. You defence of them is enough reason to have them kicked out of those positions.
Doesn’t governor Wangamati’s involvement with government Printer amount to corruption?