ALERT: A Covid-19 patient REJECTED by Webuye KMTC quarantine centre

A Covid-19 suspected case is currently lying at KMTC Webuye gate... The truck driver who exhibited Covid signs was taken to the facility which...

Kory Family Hospital closes shop in Bungoma

KORRY FAMILY HOSPITAL closes shop in Bungoma town over rent... The remaining branches : Kimilili Tongaren Chwele (under the name TSULA)

Kimilili MP sets up Secondary Schools, builds 26 houses

KIMILILI MP SETS UP SECONDARY SCHOOLS, BUILDS 26 HOUSES Kimilili MP, Hon. Didmus Barasa has set up and registered three Secondary schools within his constituency...

The return of Magudah and Grace Sundukwa to the oversight dream team… By...

Hon. Joseph Maguda and Hon. Grace Sundukwa to the County Assembly of Bungoma Transformational and new oversight Dream Team. c Your Administrator is happy to...

Hired Machete wielding goons unleash terror at a Bukembe East funeral

During today’s Friday, July 3, 2020 Munaa village burial (kwa Walela) in Kanduyi - Bungoma, a Bukembe East aspirant Caleb Wanjala and his close...

Players behind DELAY in County PROMOTIONS

GOVERNOR WANGAMATI, HIS DEPUTY ADVERSELY MENTIONED! Following the recent #iKUWEiKUWE Update on the Unnecessary, illegal and unwarranted delays in promoting DESERVING Bungoma County employees… I have since...

Soysambu/Mitua MCA elected unopposed as the Deputy Speaker – Bungoma

🔥Hon. Stephen Wafula was on 2nd July 2020 declared Bungoma County Assembly Deputy speaker after the withdrawal of his rivals Hon. Jane Chebet and...

Bungoma County Secretary recovering after two weeks in ICU

BUNGOMA COUNTY SECRETARY RECOVERING AFTER TWO WEEKS IN ICU The MediHeal hospital – Eldoret has for the past two weeks been home to Joseph Wambati...

Budget interrogation Showdown expected today

In Summary; Budget committee sitting in Kisumu CECs are not Welcome The County Assembly’s Budget committee that is currently sitting in Kisumu to interrogate Bungoma...

Girls aged 14,15 saved by Mama County from a defilement suspect

A defilement suspect was on Saturday, June 27, 2020 saved by Webuye police from angry residents who wanted to lynch him after he was...

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Three arrested at Sacred College – Bungoma while dismantling a Kabras Sugar tractor

Three men have today Thursday 20th Feb 2025 evening been arrested at former Sacred College – Siritanyi premises following a tip-off from members of...

EACC summons land owner, Bungoma County Executives over 32.8M land for market space

In Summary; Conflicting documents Rejoinder from CECM Finance EACC summons land owner, Bungoma County Executives over 32.8M land for market space The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission...

SCHEDULE: Recruitment of volunteer NYS Servicemen and Women

The Kenya National Youth Service wishes to announce to the general public that there will be a recruitment exercise of NYS Volunteers (male and...
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